- Title Associate Professor
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs - Education PhD: National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, UK
- Office K618
- Email symes@bu.edu
- Phone 617-358-4578 (M, W, Th); 617-358-4429 (Tu, F)
- Area of Interest graduate science and medical education, advising and mentoring, developmental biology and signaling
I lead the educational mission of the Department of Biochemistry and have major roles in curriculum design, development and implementation in the Division of Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS) and in the Medical School. As co-director of Foundations in Biomedical Sciences (FBS), I helped to lead the integration of the first year Ph.D. curriculum and currently serve to provide oversight and evaluation of its courses. In line with my interests as a former Principal Investigator whose laboratory focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms of cell motility. I am also co-director of the fourth FBS module, Mechanisms in Cell Communication. The FBS educational structure encourages students to think in a rigorous and interdisciplinary fashion, incorporating weekly small group discussions to critically evaluate scientific literature. Small break-out groups are “near-peer” facilitated and are comprised of students with differing scientific interests to encompass a range of perspectives and to promote collegiality among doctoral students. In addition, to provide essential foundational skills required for lifelong learning and career development, critical thinking, problem solving, class participation and scientific writing are included in the evaluation process. Individualized oversight and help for students is provided through faculty accessibility, monitoring of performance, and tutoring. I am also a member of the team charged with restructuring the MD curriculum. As someone who has long been involved teaching and mentoring MD students, as well as in curriculum reform and development of the MD courses, this is an exciting challenge that will see a greater integration of basic science and clinical medicine throughout the curriculum.
As Assistant Dean of Student Affairs I am involved in personal and professional student support including student well-being, academic enhancement, career guidance, personal counseling, referrals, advocacy, letters of recommendation, and emergency response for students facing personal and family crises. In this role, I work with offices across the University including with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Disability and Access Services, Enrichment, Medical Education, Financial Services, Housing Resources, Campus Police, Occupational Health. I also provide mentorship for individual students and student organizations.
Representative Publications