MS in Healthcare Emergency Management
1 year full-time | 2 years part-time
remote | in person
boston university medical campus
Ranked at #4 among colleges offering online Masters programs in Emergency Management by and cited as having the “Best Virtual Campus” by, Boston University’s MS in Healthcare Emergency Management prepares individuals to work across the spectrum of emergency and crisis management, with an emphasis on events related to the fields of biomedical sciences and healthcare.
This innovative emergency management program provides students with a comprehensive background for facing the challenges of a career in emergency/disaster preparedness by emphasizing hands-on training in exercise development and incident command in its focus on risk, crisis, and emergencies that may occur in healthcare environments.
Program Structure
This master’s degree in healthcare emergency management program consists of a 36-credit course of study. This program may be completed in as few as 12 months on a full-time basis. Students may also elect to complete the program part-time.
The program can be completed in-person or online through our virtual classroom. This real-time distance learning environment provides students with the flexibility to attend graduate school without relocating, allowing them to maintain their jobs, homes and living situations while completing the degree.
Program Highlights:
- Flexible one or two year program schedule with full-time and part-time tracks
- Blended learning environment allows students to attend class at our Boston campus or from
almost anywhere through our virtual classroom
- Classes taught by recognized experts in the fields of emergency management, homeland security, disaster relief, incident command and exercise design
- Active participation in a variety of real-world exercises
- Internships and practica provide students with valuable emergency management experience critical to future employment opportunities
- Access to paid internships (up to $15,000)
- Ranked #4 by among colleges and universities offering online Masters programs in Emergency Management
- Listed among‘s top programs offering graduate degrees in Emergency Management for best virtual classroom experience
Contact Us
For questions or comments regarding admissions:
Healthcare Emergency Management Program
Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
650 Albany Street, X-140
Boston, MA
Get directions to the program offices.
617-358-9792 (9-12pm)
617-358-0176 (12pm to 5pm)
Learn more about admissions and the application process.
Featured items:
Recent Publication
Members of the Healthcare Emergency Management program have recently published an article in the International Journal of Security, Preparedness, and Resilience Education (IJSPRE). This article provides one example of how educating emergency managers in exercise design can enable hospitals to improve their institutional disaster preparedness. The outcomes of this exercise and the response that followed demonstrate the importance of exercise design courses to emergency managers. Further, the case study demonstrates the benefits of using exercises to build stronger working relationships among responder groups and agencies. The article is available at the IJSPRE website: Hurricane Irene: Here, Gone and Back Again.
Keep your devices safe
BU IS&T reminds us that October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Visit the IS&T security website for cybersecurity events, tips and how-tos throughout the month of October.
Upcoming conference presentation
Dr. Anthony Abruzzese, of the Healthcare Emergency Management Program will be presenting Resilience – Universally Good or Mixed Bag: The impact of policy and assessment at the 12th Annual Homeland Defense and Security Education Summit in Monterey, California at the end of October. Dr. Abruzzese’s presentation looks at the concept of disaster-related resilience from perspectives not often accounted for in resilience planning.
BU CAMED’s HEM program named among the top 5 online programs for Emergency Management in two surveys
The BU CAMED Master of Science in Healthcare Emergency Management has been named among the top Masters Degree programs in the US based on curriculum quality, program flexibility, affordability and graduate outcomes by The HEM Program has been recognized as #2 overall and as having the best virtual campus of any program offered. The Healthcare Emergency Management Program was also ranked at #4 by among Masters level online programs in Emergency Management.
Both surveys analyzed each online degree program using similar methodologies, incorporating the most recent data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), as well as statistical data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Only programs from accredited nonprofit institutions were eligible for participation in these surveys.
Summer Safety Tips from the National Safety Council – Warm weather is here, the kids are out of school and families are planning all sorts of activities. Here are some tips for surviving the warm weather months from the NSC.
Hurricane Season – the Atlantic Hurricane Season starts on June 1st. Are you prepared for storms and other seasonal hazards? Visit’s Hurricane Preparedness website for information on personal and community preparedness, as well as links to a variety of resources. The American Red Cross hurricane preparedness pages also have tips for hurricane preparations.