Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Bylaws
BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Faculty Bylaws
ARTICLE 1: Administration
Section A. The Dean
- The dean shall be elected in accordance with Boston University (BU) policy and shall have direct oversight of the work of the BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine in
accordance with the BU bylaws. - The dean shall:
- preside at all BUSM faculty meetings.
- chair the Executive Committee.
- serve as an ex officio member of all committees described in Article 5.
- coordinate BUSM’s activities with the related Boston University Medical Campus and Boston Medical Center activities.
- appoint the chairs and faculty and student members of all standing committees except as specifically designated in these bylaws. (see Article 5 – Committees).
- negotiate contracts with faculty subject to Medical Campus Provost and BU President approval.
- be responsible for review and analysis of existing education, research, and administrative programs, identifying program problems, and developing recommendations for improvement.
- develop annually, with the department chairs, an estimate of BUSM’s budgetary needs for submission to the Medical Campus Provost.
- approve (or delegate approval of) all applications in advance of submission for grant funding for support of teaching, training, or research sponsored by BUSM.
- appoint or remove any administrative officer described in Article 1.
- have such other duties, responsibilities, and authority as may be delegated from time to time by the BU President or the Medical Campus Provost.
Section B. associate dean of Medical Education (MD Program)
- The associate dean of Medical Education shall be appointed by the dean and shall serve at the pleasure of the dean to directly supervise all aspects of the MD
- The associate dean of Medical Education shall:
- chair the Medical Education committee.
- propose the candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the faculty meeting preceding graduation.
- perform such duties as the dean prescribes.
- serve on the Executive Committee
- serve ex officio on the Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee
- monitor curricular LCME accreditation standards and AAMC reports to ensure compliance with all elements related to the medical curriculum, and report annually to the Executive Committee.
Section C. associate dean of Admissions (MD Program)
- The associate dean of Admissions shall be appointed by the dean and shall serve at the pleasure of the dean to supervise the admission of all candidates for the
Doctor of Medicine degree, including all combined MD degree programs. - The associate dean of Admissions shall:
- chair the Admissions committee.
- co-chair or designate a co-chair for the Admissions committees for the early assurance programs, including the BA/MD, Modular Medical Integrated Curriculum (MMEDIC),and Early Medical School Selection (EMSSP) Programs, and any other special programs that award the MD degree.
- ensure an equitable system of admissions to the best qualified candidates for the MD degree program.
- serve on the Executive Committee.
- serve on the Promotions Committee for the early assurance programs and as a non-voting member of the Student Evaluation and Promotions Committee.
- monitor LCME accreditation standards and AAMC reports to ensure compliance with all elements related to the admissions process, and report annually to the Executive Committee.
Section D. associate dean of Student Affairs (MD Program)
- The associate dean of Student Affairs shall be appointed by the dean and shall serve at the pleasure of the dean to act as the dean’s liaison with the student body
and to promote the welfare and interests of the students. - The associate dean of Student Affairs shall:
- review the credentials and reports of the academic standing of all students.
- make reports to the students of their standing according to existing rules of the faculty.
- upon request, supply to eligible external agencies, official letters of the academic performance of students or graduates.
- serve on the Executive Committee.
- plan, implement and preside over the student advising program.
- provide academic support and assistance for students.
- chair the Scholarships committee.
- serve as a non-voting member of the Student Evaluation and Promotions committee.
- serve as an ex officio member of the Medical Education and Faculty Affairs committees.
- monitor LCME accreditation standards and AAMC reports to ensure compliance with all elements related to medical student experience and professional development, and report annually to the Executive Committee.
Section E. associate dean of Diversity and Inclusion
- The associate dean of Diversity and Inclusion shall be appointed by the dean and shall serve at the pleasure of the dean to advocate for diversity and cultural
competence among students, faculty and staff. - The associate dean of Diversity and Inclusion shall:
- direct BUSM Diversity and Inclusion efforts.
- oversee the Early Medical School Selection Program (EMSSP).
- co-chair or designate a co-chair for the EMSSP Admissions committee.
- serve on the BUSM Executive, Admissions, and Scholarships committees.
- monitor search comittees for chairs, center directors, and other senior leaders for diversity and inclusion.
- monitor LCME accreditation standards and AAMC reports to ensure compliance with all elements related to the diversity of students, faculty and senior administrators, and report annually to the Executive Committee.
Section F. associate dean of Faculty Affairs
- The associate dean of Faculty Affairs shall be appointed by the dean and shall serve at the pleasure of the dean to support the recruitment, retention, academic
advancement and career satisfaction of BUSM faculty. - The associate dean of Faculty Affairs shall:
- organize and supervise the staffing of search committees for chairs, center directors, and other senior leaders
- supervise, review, and facilitate the BUSM appointments and promotions process.
- prepare appointment and promotions packages for the three medical campus schools for review by the President.
- compile reports on faculty numbers requested by the dean for the BUSM Executive Committee, University and LCME.
- support committees and processes that address faculty needs, such as mentoring, development and diversity
- serve on the BUSM Executive Committee and Faculty Appointments and Promotions committee, and ex officio on the Faculty Affairs committee.
- monitor LCME accreditation standards and AAMC reports to ensure compliance with all elements related to faculty and faculty development, and report annually to the
Executive Committee.
Section G. associate dean of Graduate Medical Sciences (GMS)
- The associate dean of GMS shall be appointed by the dean and shall serve at the pleasure of the dean to administer MA, MS, and PhD programs and assist in the generaloversight of the BUSM’s activities as related to these graduate programs.
- The associate dean of GMS shall:
- chair the GMS Steering Committees and serve as an ex officio non-voting member of all standing committees of the graduate faculty.
- serve on the Executive Committee.
- supply, upon request, to eligible external agencies, official letters of the academic performance of students or graduates.
- manage the functions of GMS that pertain to student life, diversity, inclusion, and curricular affairs.
- propose the candidates for the degree of MA, MS, and PhD for the faculty meeting preceding graduation.
- appoint the chairs, faculty and student members of all GMS committees, except as otherwise stated in these Article 5, Section H.
- perform such duties as the dean prescribes.
- monitor LCME accreditation standards and AAMC reports to ensure compliance with all elements related to the graduate programs of the medical school, and report annually to the Executive Committee.
Section H. Other administrative appointments
- The dean may appoint other associate or assistant deans as necessary to fulfill the administrative functions of the school. These appointees shall be ex
officio Executive Committee members, but without a vote. - The dean may establish medical school committees as necessary to fulfill the needs of the school.
ARTICLE 2 Faculty Appointments and Promotions
Section A. Ranks and Qualifications
- The standard academic ranks are instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor. These standard professorial titles may be altered by the
addition of modifiers such as clinical, research, adjunct, visiting, or emeritus, in conformity with requirements set forth in the Boston University Faculty Handbook. - Faculty members’ titles shall identify the department with which they are affiliated. The faculty member’s specialty may be indicated parenthetically, for example,
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology). Appendix I lists all departments. All such specialty designations must be approved by the Executive Committee. - Departments may further define the qualifications for appointments and promotions to suit their individual needs.
Section B. Methods of appointment and promotion
- Appointment of department chairs: The selection and appointment of department chairs shall follow the procedures in the
Faculty Handbook for Selection of Department Chairs onthe Medical Campus. - Faculty Appointments and Promotions
- The selection and initial appointment of new full-time standard professorial faculty and promotion of full-time faculty of instructor rank or higher shall follow theprocedures in the Faculty Handbook for Appointment and Continuance of full-time faculty on the medical campus and for Promotions on the Medical Campus.
- The following procedures are particular to BUSM: The department chair shall recommend a candidate for appointment or promotion to any faculty rank in writing to the dean following the appropriate procedures in the University Faculty Handbook and Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Guidelines adopted by the Executive Committee. The dean shall forward the recommendations to the Faculty Appointments and Promotions (FAP) committee (Article 5, Section E), which shall evaluate the recommendationsand supporting data and revise the recommendations when appropriate after consultation with the chair. The dean shall present the final recommendations of the FAP committee to the Executive Committee for their evaluation and vote and, if approved, shall forward the recommendations to the Medical Campus Provost and, for the ranks of unmodified Associate and Full Professor, to the President for approval.
- Faculty may be appointed as a member of GMS Appendix 1, No.3. lists degree granting programs that comprise GMS. Faculty who participate in any of these programs may seek GMS membership, which shall be conferred by the BUSM dean, acting upon the recommendation of the associate dean and the GMS Steering Committees. BU faculty at large may also be eligible for consideration of appointment in GMS. The GMS Faculty Membership committee shall review nominations from the department chair or program director to ensure qualifications appropriate for supervision of graduate students.
GMS faculty must be active participants in GMS graduate programs and educational missions. GMS membership may be revoked. Only GMS faculty members holding a doctoral degree and rank of assistant professor and above may serve as the first reader on dissertations or as the primary mentor of doctoral students.
- Appointments of faculty candidates without doctoral degrees
- The department chair shall recommend to the dean in writing the appointment or promotion of a candidate without an MD, PhD or equivalent degree, considering the
following criteria: 1. teaching effectiveness; 2. scholarly and professional achievement; 3. published and unpublished research; 4. graduate student supervision; 5. advisory andcounseling service to students; 6. professional society membership and contributions; 7. contributions to university educational and administrative programs; 8. professional
activities in the community; 9. personal attributes of integrity, industry, objectivity, leadership, and cooperation. The dean shall forward the recommendation as described in
Article 2, Section B. 2b, above.
- The department chair shall recommend to the dean in writing the appointment or promotion of a candidate without an MD, PhD or equivalent degree, considering the
ARTICLE 3 Faculty Duties and Privileges
Section A. Powers of the Faculty
- The faculty shall comprise all persons holding a title set forth in Article 2, Section A.
- Although all faculty members may participate in discussions at faculty meetings, only the dean, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors, including those modified by clinical or research may vote.
- The faculty shall have the authority to:
- establish rules and regulations concerning BUSM’s academic affairs.
- recommend candidates for the degrees that may be conferred by BUSM.
- designate candidates for the Doctor of Medicine cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude.
- Whenever a BUSM dean is to be appointed, the faculty shall meet to elect representatives to an advisory (search) committee as provided by university policy.
Section B. Duties of the Faculty
- Faculty members shall:
- carry out teaching, research, and other duties on campus for such periods as agreed upon with their respective department chairs and the dean.
- remain in service throughout the year except for appropriate vacation periods.
- be responsible for BUSM’s academic welfare.
- consider and take action upon the reports of its standing committees.
- Annually, all faculty members shall forward to the department chair, or designee, a report of their activities using the form designated by the dean. Each faculty member will meet personally with their chair or designee, to discuss this annual report and will acknowledge this review and formal feedback on their academic performance and progress toward promotion. Each faculty member shall also make any other reports as the dean may require.
- The School is not responsible for expenditures made by any faculty member except through requisitions previously made and duly authorized in accordance with university policies.
Section C. Meetings
- Faculty members are expected to attend the regular and special faculty meetings.
- BUSM faculty shall meet at least twice during the academic year, chaired by the dean or the dean’s designee.
- GMS faculty members shall meet at least twice during the academic year, chaired by the associate dean of GMS or his/her designee.
- A quorum of 25 faculty is required to transact such business as comes within the powers of the BUSM
Section D. Sabbaticals
Faculty members who have served no fewer than 6 years as full-time professors, associate professors, or assistant professors may apply for sabbatical leave in accordance with University policy.
ARTICLE 4 Departmental organization
Section A. Departments: Departments are administrative units charged with implementation of the educational, research, and clinical programs of the school. Formal recognition of a department requires approval of the dean and the Executive Committee.
Appendix 1, which comprises a list of BUSM departments, shall be regularly updated.
Section B. Departmental Reports: Annually, on or before July 15, each department chair shall forward to the dean (and, when appropriate, to the Hospital Administrator) a report on the previous academic year ending June 30 concerning the activities of the department or division using the format designated by the dean.
ARTICLE 5 Committees
Section A. Committee Protocol
- Committee The chairs of the standing committees, except for those otherwise specified in these Bylaws, shall be appointed annually by the dean.
- Ex officio Members of Committees. Where specific committee members are listed as ex officio, they have full voting privileges unless otherwise noted.
- Conduct of Meetings
- A quorum of a committee shall be a simple majority of the faculty members unless otherwise noted.
- At any time a vote is taken on any measure, a simple majority of the voting members present shall be required to approve the measure. Committee chairs vote only in the event of a tie.
- Annual written report. All Article 5 committees must submit to the dean and to the Executive Committee an annual written report that summarizes its work.
Section B. The Executive Committee of the Medical School shall:
- comprise the dean, who serves as chair, the associate deans specifically named in Article I and the most senior dean of any branch campus, Financial Affairs, Development, and Alumni Affairs; BUSM department chairs, center directors, the Chief Medical Officers of Boston Medical Center and the Boston Veterans Administration Health CareSystem as long as these hospitals remain BUSM affiliates, and students appointed by the dean. The BUSM Library Director as well as associate and assistant deans not listed abovemay serve on the Committee without vote.
- meet regularly, at no less than monthly intervals, September through June, inclusive, at the call of the dean, to:
- consider for approval all nominations and recommendation for faculty appointments, reappointments, and promotions with change in title.
- receive annual written reports from all standing committees and dean’s offices including review of LCME compliance, request and receive reports from subcommittees ofthe standing committees, panels, and other committees, and transmit reports to the faculty with recommendations.
- consider other matters brought to its attention by the dean.
- maintain a permanent written record of its deliberations and decisions.
Section C. Deans Committee shall:
- comprise the dean, who serves as chair, and all BUSM associate and assistant deans, including those representing major affiliated clinical sites.
- meet approximately monthly, September through June, at the call of the dean to:
- consider matters brought to its attention by the dean or other members of the committee.
- perform functions as described in BUSM’s Policy Development and Modification procedures (Appendix 2).
- review LCME compliance at least annually.
Section D. Committee on Committees shall:
- comprise the associate deans of Faculty Affairs and of GMS, or designee, who will serve as co-chairs, and 8 faculty members appointed by the dean.
- meet at least once a year to:
- consider the membership of all BUSM committees except for ad hoc committees and those with specified membership in these bylaws.
- rotate faculty terms judiciously with staggered appointment terms of 3 years, which may be renewed once, except for Admissions committee members, who have no term limits.
- recommend student members for standing committees where indicated, selected from a list submitted to the committee by the representative student organization. No student shall serve on more than one committee at a time.
- forward its recommendations to the dean or the associate dean of GMS who makes committee appointments.
- make a report annually to the Executive Committee of their recommendations for committee members.
Section E. Faculty Appointments and Promotions committee shall:
- comprise the dean, the associate dean of Faculty Affairs, and at least 6 faculty members, 1 of whom the dean shall appoint as chair.
- meet monthly to consider faculty appointments and promotions.
- Department chairs shall recommend an appointment or promotion in writing to the dean.
- The Committee shall review the department chair’s letter and form its own recommendations, which the dean shall present to the Executive Committee for its evaluationand vote.
- The recommendations for each faculty appointment shall conform to criteria listed in Article 2, Section A.
Section F. Faculty Affairs committee (FAC) shall:
- comprise one representative from each department elected by the department’s faculty. The name of the elected representatives shall be forwarded to the Committee on Committees who shall then forward them to the dean for appointment. The FAC chair shall be elected by the members from among their members. The associate deans of Student Affairs, Faculty Affairs, and GMS (or designee) and deans of Financial Affairs shall also be Committee members, ex officio, without vote.
- meet at least 3 times between September and June to address issues of faculty concern, which may include, but need not be limited to, interaction of the faculty withadministration, the management of research and teaching facilities, and the enhancement of the academic community on the Medical Campus.
- submit a report at least annually to the Executive Committee and to the dean
Section G: Committees involved with MD degree education
G1. Medical Education committee (MEC) shall:
- comprise the dean, the associate dean of Medical Education, who shall serve as chair, the associate dean of Student Affairs, the assistant dean of Medical Education for curriculum and assessment, the registrar, a representative from the BUSM Alumni Medical Library, the chairs of all MEC subcommittees, the ranking dean at any branch campus, and 2 other faculty members (1 pre-clerkship and 1 clerkship) and 2 alternates, elected by their peers, and 4 medical student representatives, 1 from each of the 4 years of the curriculum, and 4 medical student alternates.
- meet at least monthly to:
- define BUSM’s educational goals.
- ensure that the educational goals are represented in course objectives and curriculum.
- evaluate course performance in meeting the goals and objectives.
- decide upon, design, plan, focus, and oversee curriculum revisions in consultation with course and clerkship directors as representatives of the teaching faculty andthe appropriate working groups.
- evaluate the performance of all course and clerkship directors.
- advise the dean on the resources appropriate for the support of all courses and clerkships.
- assess the time required for faculty to lead and teach courses.
- assess methods of student evaluation and grading.
- work closely with the Medical Education office to develop and analyze curricular and course data.
- oversee curriculum management and maintenance of the curriculum database.
- report to the faculty and students no less than annually.
- periodically review BUSM’s prerequisites with the Admissions committee.
- appoint additional ad hoc working groups to address specific issues.
G2. MD Executive Admissions committee (EAC) shall:
- comprise the associate dean of Admissions, who shall serve as chair, at least 10 faculty members, and other members as needed. Students shall participate at the invitation of the chair.
- develop the policy, requirements, and standards for admission into the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree program and present them, and any changes, to the Executive Committee and the Medical Education committee for approval.
- act upon all applications for admission from candidates who apply for entry to the MD program, including all BUSM combined degree programs that incorporate the MD
- act upon all applications for admission to any of the approved pathways.
G3. Scholarships Committee shall:
- comprise the associate dean of Student Affairs, who shall serve as chair, the associate deans for Admissions, Medical Education, and Diversity and Inclusion; the Director of Student Financial Services, and at least 3 faculty members.
- decide upon the qualifications of the applicants for scholarships.
- advise Finances and Administration on the distribution of funds identified as scholarships.
- annually review awards for the Dean’s Scholarships.
G4. Appropriate Treatment in Medicine (ATM) committee shall:
- comprise 12 voting members: the chair, who is a medical school faculty member; the associate dean for student affairs, 1 residency program director; 1 clerkship director; 1 member of the preclerkship faculty; 1 clinical attending faculty member; 1 resident member of the Committee of Interns & Residents (CIR); 1 medical student and an alternate from each of the 4 years of the curriculum; a senior nursing manager from Boston Medical Center; and the associate dean for Clinical Affairs (BMC Chief Medical Officer) or designee. A Student Affairs staff member will serve as non-voting support person to the Committee.
- meet quarterly, at a regularly scheduled time. Additional meetings may be held at the call of the Chair.
- act in accordance with the Appropriate Treatment in Medicine (ATM) policy to:
- disseminate to students the reporting mechanisms for students experiencing mistreatment;
- respond to, investigate, document, and act upon reports to the Committee of mistreatment.
- review all reports and investigation outcomes on a quarterly basis to identify patterns of student mistreatment and report those trends to responsible parties (e.g. residency program director, director of nursing, department chair etc.) for appropriate action.
- provide regular reports to the BUSM dean, and Medical Campus Provost, the Executive Committee, and the Medical Education Committee to guide appropriate targeted and school-wide interventions to address learning climate concerns.
G5. Student Evaluation and Promotion committee (SEPC) shall:
- comprise 10 faculty members and chair, all appointed by the dean. Eight members (representing all 4 curricular years), and the chair shall be appointed after consultation with the associate deans of Medical Education, Student Affairs, and Diversity and Inclusion. The remaining 2, a course director and a clerkship director, shall be appointed after consultation with the Pre-Clerkship Curriculum Subcommittee (PCS) and Clerkship Curriculum Subcommittee (CCS) chairs, No other member can be a course, course module, or clerkship director. The associate deans for Student Affairs, Medical Education, Admissions, and Diversity and Inclusion, and the Director of Academic Enhancement shall serve ex officio, without vote. The Registrar shall act as secretary without vote.
- meet monthly, if required, during the academic term, and otherwise as needed at the call of the chair.
- act in accordance with the Policies and Procedures for Evaluation, Grading and Promotion of BUSM MD Students.
G6. Medical Student Disciplinary Committee (MSDC) shall:
- comprise a chair, 2 additional faculty members, 2 alternate faculty members (who participate in committee activities only as a substitute for 1 of the regular members), and 2 ad hoc medical student members.
- The dean shall appoint the chair and faculty members after consulting with the associate deans of Medical Education, Student Affairs, and Diversity and Inclusion. Atleast 2 of the 5 faculty on the committee will be pre-clerkship faculty and at least 2 will be clerkship faculty. None of the faculty members shall be a course or clerkship director.
- The Chair may substitute one or both of the faculty alternates for one or both of the regular committee members when s/he deems necessary.
- The Registrar will provide a randomized list of all active BUSM medical students in good academic standing and without issues of professionalism, excluding members of the class of the accused student. The dean of Student Affairs will contact the first 2 students on the list to determine their availability for committee service or disqualification due to possible conflict of interest. The dean of student affairs will continue through the list in strict order until 2 students are selected to serve.
- be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Medical Student Disciplinary Code of Academic and Professional Conduct, determining the guilt or innocence of the student(s) charged with violating this Code, and determining sanctions as provided in this Code.
G7. Committee on Appeals shall:
- comprise 7 faculty members none of whom is also a course, course module, or clerkship director or member of the Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee.The dean shall appoint the chair and 3 faculty members and the student body will elect 3 additional faculty members. The three faculty appointed by the dean and three elected by the student body must each represent one of the first three curricular years.
- shall hear any student appeal of any decision of the Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee and shall take such action as it finds advisable. All decisions of the Committee on Appeals shall be reported to the dean.
- act in accordance with the Policies and Procedures for Evaluation, Grading and Promotion of BUSM MD Students.
G8. Honors Committee shall:
- comprise 6 faculty members, including the associate dean of Student Affairs serving ex officio.
- recommend to the faculty the awarding of MD degrees with honors in accordance with the faculty regulations.
Section H: Committees involved with GMS Masters and Doctoral degrees
H1. GMS Steering Committees shall:
- be structured as two subcommittees, each chaired by the associate dean of GMS, one for Masters programs and one for Doctoral programs, which will meet jointly once per academic semester.
- The Doctoral Steering Committee members comprise the chairs of each basic science department, one elected member from each basic science department, and the program director of each doctoral program. Representatives from the Academic Policy Committee, the GMS Student Organization, the Masters Steering Committee, and the Faculty Forum for GMS will be nonvoting ex officio members. One designated member will represent this committee at the Masters Steering Committee meetings.
- The Masters Steering Committee members comprise the program directors of each masters program. Representatives from the Academic Policy committee, the GMS Student Organization, the Doctoral Steering Committee, and the GMS Faculty Forum will be nonvoting ex officio members. One designated member will represent this committee at the Doctoral Steering Committee meetings.
- meet monthly to:
- consider issues relevant to the committee’s responsibilities, including budgetary and fiscal information that affects new and continuing GMS programs, working with the associate dean of GMS.
- review the GMS annual report prior to distribution to the faculty.
- refer particular action of these matters to the standing or ad hoc committees of GMS, the BUSM dean, associate dean of GMS, or GMS as a whole.
- be responsible to GMS for reviewing, proposing changes to the GMS faculty, and implementing academic policies in:
- current programs or the creation of new programs.
- the curriculum, admission standards, standards of academic performance, and granting of degrees.
- student financial support.
- recommending the appointment of GMS faculty members.
- receiving and reviewing recommendations from other standing committees.
H2. MD/PhD Program Steering Committee shall:
- comprise the director(s) of the MD/PhD program as chair (or co-chairs) and one elected representative from each doctoral degree granting program and the department of Biomedical Engineering and two representatives from the MD/PhD student organization. The associate dean of GMS, a dean from the MD Student Affairs office, a dean from the MD Admissions office and one or more MD/PhD advisors serve as nonvoting ex officio members.
- meet at least quarterly to consider, in consultation with the appropriate BUSM leadership, admissions, fiscal affairs, and student affairs affecting the MD/PhD
students including:- policies and procedures for the MD/PhD program and exceptions to those policies.
- student petitions for exceptions to policies or withdrawal from the program.
- program finances including scholarships, fellowships, and the MD/PhD Student Organization.
- recruiting and admissions processes, in collaboration with the associate dean of Admissions.
- liaise with the MD Student Affairs Office to facilitate transition between the MD and PhD curriculum years.
H3. Committee on GMS Faculty Membership shall:
- comprise the chair and at least three GMS faculty members appointed by the associate dean of GMS.
- examine nominees for membership in GMS and recommend appointment as appropriate to the appropriate Steering Committee.
- regularly review the membership.
H4. Academic Policy Committee (APC) shall:
- comprise the Chair, elected by the APC members who include one elected GMS faculty member from each basic science department, one from Oral Biology, and two from theMasters programs.
- meet at least twice per semester to:
- review and approve new courses, present them to the associate dean of GMS for final approval and report to the Steering Committees all newly-approved courses.
- review, critique, and assess proposals for new masters and doctoral degree Programs. The APC recommends approved new degree programs to the appropriate Steering Committee, which presents proposals at the GMS faculty meeting for vote. The associate dean transmits the proposal to the dean for approval and then to the University Provost’s office for the required University approval process.
- select the chair and APC members for program reviews.
- advise the associate dean for GMS on all matters relating to courses, curriculum, and degree requirements for inclusion in bulletins and official GMS
H5. Committee on Academic Conduct shall:
- comprise the chair and at least 5 faculty members appointed by the associate dean of GMS and two student representatives from the GMS Student Organization.
- serve as the Appeals Committee for students who appeal a decision made at the department or program level.
- advise and assist in implemention of the GMS Academic Conduct Code and Disciplinary Procedures by each graduate degree-granting departments and programs andthe associate dean of
H6. Awards Committee shall:
- comprise a chair appointed by the associate dean of GMS and at least three faculty members elected by the GMS faculty.
- establish and apply criteria for GMS-based awards.
H7. Committees for Admissions
- The Oversight Committee for the Doctoral and Masters Programs, comprises a chair and at least three members appointed from the doctoral and masters programs by the associate dean of GMS, oversees admissions standards and procedures.
- Admissions Committee for the MD/PhD Program comprises a chair appointed by the associate dean of GMS in consultation with the Steering Committee forthe MD/PhD Program, a representatives from each of the doctoral degree-granting basic science departments and programs, a dean from the MD Admissions office, and two elected MD/PhD students. Committee members interview applicants and meet as necessary to review the applications and make recommendations to the MD Admissions Committee.
H8. GMS Faculty Forum shall:
- comprise members elected from each doctoral degree-granting department or non-departmental program in addition to one member elected by those GMS faculty not represented by these departments or programs.
- The chair and vice chair are elected by the members
- meet at least 6 times per year in a forum open to all GMS faculty members to consider, discuss, and recommend action, on all matters affecting the professional concerns of the GMS faculty.The Faculty Forum may go into closed session of members at the discretion of the chair or vice-chair.
- submit a report at least annually at the general meeting of the GMS faculty.
ARTICLE 6 Amendments
The BUSM Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the faculty by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, provided notice of such proposed amendment is stated in the call for the meeting at which action thereon is to be taken.
Prior to presentation to the BUSM faculty, proposed amendments to these bylaws affecting GMS sections or provisions shall be presented to the members of the GMS faculty for their review.
Appendix 1: Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Departments
Appendix 2: Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policy Development and Modification
Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policies are defined by all of the following criteria:
- apply specifically to the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine and, although consistent with University Policy, are unique or more restrictive than University policies.
- Help ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, especially as they relate to accreditation, and also promote operational efficiencies, enhance BUSM’s mission, or reduce institutional risks.
- Mandate actions or constraints, include specific procedures for compliance, and articulate desired outcomes.
Faculty Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policies:
- Include faculty-related policies that would not be considered general employment policies.
- include policies related to medical school appointment, promotion, termination, sabbatical leave, and academic ranks and titles.
Student Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policies:
- Include student affairs policies such as conduct requirements, rules for student activities and events, and academic and non-academic discipline, but do not include policies related to student evaluation and grading or promotion, degree, and curriculum requirements that are determined by the Medical Education Committee or the Steering Committee of GMS.
Other Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policies:
- Include policies that have broad application throughout BUSM (i.e., affect faculty, staff, and/or students when applicable) and that are not specifically Faculty or Student School Policies.
- Examples include policies relating to Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine governance and administration (e.g., school-wide codes of conduct), personnel/employment matters, environmental health and safety matters unique to Medical School.
Draft Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policy Template
A uniform template should be used when developing and drafting Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policies, to simplify creation of policies and result in policies that are more easily
categorized and understood. Each new School Policy should include the following information:
- Purpose: States the reason for or the origin of the policy.
- Covered Parties: Identifies to whom the policy applies.
- Defined Terms: Lists terms that may have specialized meaning in the policy.
- Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Policy: The policy itself, including relevant implementing procedures and guidelines.
- Responsible Parties: Identifies and provides contact information for the BUSM office or department responsible for overseeing implementation of and ensuring
compliance with the policy. - Related Policies and References: Reference to or attachment of related policies or documents, including those of any individual school, college, or other BUSM
operating unit. - History: History of the policy, including effective date, and policies superseded or modified.
Issues to Consider
Timetable and costs
- How quickly must the proposed policy be implemented?
- What should be the effective date of the policy?
- Apart from start-up costs of printing the policy and putting it on the website, are there implementation costs involved if it is adopted (including personnel time, paperwork, or other compliance time)?
- Must new administrative structures be created for the implementation?
- Does the proposed policy require additional expenditures or personnel for its implementation beyond what already has been committed by the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine?
Related Policies, References, and History
- Is there existing policy on the subject applicable to those parts of BUSM not covered by the proposed policy?
- Is there a need to have the same or a similar proposed policy developed for those parts of BUSM not covered by the proposed policy?
Stakeholders and Responsible Parties
- Have all those within the BUSM community who should be involved in the policy’s development been identified and included in that process?
- Is input needed from stakeholders not involved in the actual policy development (i.e., are there stakeholders, such as alumni, trustees, or students whose views should be considered during a policy’s development)?
Dissemination, Communication and Education
- What is the best way to communicate and publicize the new policy?
- How should the BUSM community be educated on the policy beyond its initial dissemination?
- Will regular training sessions be necessary and, if so, how frequently?
Education and Policy Maintenance
- Are there BUSM operating units or individuals, other than the ones identified through the BUSM Policy template above, who should be involved on a periodic basis in
overseeing the implementation and updating of a policy?
[Approved by BUSM Faculty on September 27, 2018]