Metabolic Phenotyping Core

Welcome to the Metabolic Phenotyping Core (MPC) at Boston University Medical Campus. MPC at Boston University Medical Campus provides experimental testing services to researchers (inside and outside Boston University) studying metabolic diseases in mouse models.

The MPC is able to perform the following services:

  • Assessment of body composition including fat mass, lean tissue mass, free water, and total body water by non-invasive quantitative magnetic resonance (Echo MRI 700).
  • Measurement of basal metabolic rate (respiratory exchange ratios) and spontaneous physical activity using a comprehensive laboratory animal monitoring system (CLAMS, Columbus Instruments) consisting of open circuit calorimeter & motion detectors.
  • Assessment of Maximal Exercise Capacity using progressive treadmill regimens in conjunction, if needed, with an Oxymax system for minute-by-minute monitoring of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production during exercise.
  • Provision of thermoneutral environment chambers (30°C) for mouse studies.

Effective Rates: Internal*

Instrument Location (Principal Investigators within Boston University)
PIs within DOM

DOM Subsidy PIs outside of DOM DOM Subsidy External Rates
Echo MRI 700 for non-invasive body composition measures during longitudinal studies in rodents weighing up to 700 grams. W915 $78 per hour $47 $31 $70 $8 $139 per hour
Comprehensive Laboratory Animal Monitoring System – CLAMS – for the measurement of spontaneous activity, metabolic rate and fuel utilization for 12 mice. W915 $36/cage per day $22 $14 $32 $4 $64/cage per day
Oxymax with two four-lane Programmable Treadmill for determination of maximal exercise capacity in mice; oxygen consumption and caloric expenditure during exercise can be added. W913 $102 per hour $61 $41 $92 $10 $182 per hour
Thermoneutrality Chambers for mice. W915 $14/ cage per day $8 $6 $13 $1 $25/cage per day

*Department of Medicine (DOM) will subsidize 40% of internal rates for Principal Investigators with a primary appointment within the Department of Medicine, and 10% of internal rates for Principal investigators with a primary appointment at BU but outside the Department of Medicine.

How to Schedule

Please login to iLab system to schedule equipment time or services. For new users please follow the steps outlined in Information for New Users.

Important information for External Investigators

We strongly recommend external users to plan their studies at least 1-2 months in advance. Prior to using the In Vivo Imaging Core Facility, external investigators must:

  • Set up inter-institutional assurances and a BU account;
  • Test your animals for pathogens (list of required tests will be provided); if approved by BU Veterinarians, animals can be transferred to BU; however, if animals do not meet BU standards, they will have to be quarantined (not required if purchased from approved commercial vendors rather than transferred from your institution);
  • In case of special procedures or substance administration, establish a BU IACUC protocol describing animal strains, procedures and study design (independently of whether you already have an approved IACUC protocol at your institution).

Please reach out to the Core Director for assistance and inquires on these processes.


Francesca Seta, PhD
Core Director
Evans Biomedical Research Center, X-Building
650 Albany St. 7th Floor, Room X-720
Boston, MA 02118
(617) 358-7814|


IVIS Imaging Core Facility
Boston University Medical Campus
Center for Advanced Biomedical Research, W-Building
700 Albany St., 9th Floor
Boston, MA 02118
View BU Medical Campus MAPS

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