
The Private Funding Opportunities searchable and sortable database table below is listed by disease and/or field in alphabetical order. Please type inside the search table below the disease, the specific grant name, name of agency or any other keywords to find more information about any biomedical research grants or educational grants available with deadlines in July.

Return to the Calendar of Funding Opportunities here.

Disease/Field Funding Agency Name of Grant / Description Eligibility / Amount Deadlines
Alzheimer’s Disease Edward N. & Della L. Thome Memorial Foundation Memorial Foundation Awards Program in Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Discovery Research $500,000 2-year award July 13, 2023 LOI.
Alzheimer’s Disease Charles H. Hood Foundation Awards Program in Alzheimer’s Disease Drug Discovery Research. Up to ten $500,000 two-year grants July 13, 2023 Initial Proposal
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Neuro-Developmental Disorders (NDD) BRAIN Foundation Research Grant primary focus is catalyzing basic and interdisciplinary translational research that leads to the development of effective therapeutics to improve the functioning of individuals with Neuro-Developmental Disorders (NDD) including Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). $90,000 annually, for two consecutive years. July 31, 2023
Breast Cancer Susan G Komen Career Transition Award (CTA) to help outstanding senior postdoctoral fellows and clinical fellows working under the guidance of a mentor to launch their competitive, independent breast cancer research careers. The Career Transition Awards provide up to five years of funding in two phases: Phase 1 supports the final years of mentored, postdoctoral training and Phase 2 supports the independent research of the early career, tenure-track investigators. $650,000 over 5 years July 14, 2023 LOI. Invitation to submit an application July 25, 2023
Cancer The Hope Foundation SWOG/Hope Foundation Impact Award is to improve the practice of cancer medicine in preventing, detecting, and treating cancer, and to enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors, primarily through design and conduct of clinical trials. $250,000 over 2 years January 15 and July 1 LOI. March 15 and September 1 application
Cancer The Hope Foundation SWOG Early Exploration and Development (SEED) Fund. $50,000 over 2 years July 1 and December 1
Cancer Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers who have an innovative new idea but lack sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding. Stage 1: $200,000 per year up to four years total for $800,000. Stage 2: support for years three and four will be granted to those awardees who demonstrate progress on their proposed research during years one and two of the award. July 8, 2024
Cancer Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Damon Runyon-Dale F. Frey Award for Breakthrough Scientists identifies spectacular young scientists and provides funding that enables them to complete their training under the mentorship of a leading senior scientist and encourages them to follow their own bold ideas to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. $100,000 for 1 year. Only Damon Runyon Fellows and Sohn Fellows selected in November 2018 and May 2019, and Damon Runyon Quantitative Biology Fellows selected in February 2020 are eligible to apply. July 15, 2024
Child Health Care Charles H. Hood Foundation Child Health Research Awards Program is to support newly independent faculty, provide the opportunity to demonstrate creativity, and assist in the transition to other sources of research funding to improve the health and quality of life for children throughout New England. $200,000 at $100,000 per year for two years Please check back in February for the July 2024 RFA.
Climate Change’s Impact on Human Health Burroughs Wellcome Fund Climate Change’s Impact on Human Health Seed Grants. early-stage grants of $2,500 – $50,000 July 25, 2024. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis through July 2026.
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) Biological Basis for Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes program funds projects that will improve our understanding of the biological basis for the development and progression of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes as well as to identify potential novel therapeutic strategies to manage and treat the disease. $150,000 per year (plus 12 percent for indirect costs) 3-year grant July
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) Gastrointestinal Manifestations of CF: Basic Science Projects to fund projects that will improve our understanding of the biological basis for the development and progression of gastrointestinal manifestations in cystic fibrosis as well as to identify potential novel therapeutic strategies to manage and treat them $150,000 per year (plus 12 percent for indirect costs) 3-year grant July
Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) Path to a Cure Collaborative Research Grant to facilitate research that will contribute to the development of new therapies or therapeutic strategies to treat cystic fibrosis with an emphasis on advancing CFTR gene repair and replacement approaches. May not exceed $1M per year (plus 12 percent for indirect costs) 3-year grant July
Eczema National Eczema Association (NEA) Eczema Champion Research Grant One year grant of $100,000 plus direct costs only. July 31, 2024
Eczema National Eczema Association (NEA) Catalyst Research Grants provide promising early investigators with seed grants to help establish a novel and promising line of eczema research, and gather a preliminary, yet meaningful body of data to carry this area of study forward. One year grant of $50,000 plus direct costs only. July 31, 2024
Education Research Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Macy Catalyst Awards support projects that impact the clinical learning environment and improve the experience of residents and fellows. $100,000 for 18 months July 24, 2024
Education & Research National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Edward J. Stemmler Medical Education Research Fund is to provide support for research on, and development of, innovative assessment approaches that will enhance the professional development of those preparing to, or continuing to, practice medicine. $150,000 plus 10% of the total direct costs. July LOI.
Fibrolamellar Hepatocellular Carcinoma (FHC) Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation(FCF) Innovative research focused on developing immunotherapies for a rare but deadly form of liver cancer called fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FHC). There is no “magic number” as to a proposal budget, rather researchers are asked to present the true number needed to support their research. January 1 and July 1
Gene Therapy- Rare Disease Education Pfizer Gene and Gene-modified Cell Therapies Medical Education Competitive Grant Program Individual projects requesting up to $50,000 will be considered. Total budget $150,000 July 1, 2024
Glaucoma Glaucoma Research Foundation Shaffer Grants support new high-impact clinical, epidemiological and laboratory research based on our strategic research goals. $50,000 for 1 year Preliminary Proposals July 15 annually.
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome Progeria Research Foundation Progeria Research Foundation awards grants to applicants who seek to conduct research to find the cause, treatment, or cure for Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (Progeria, or HGPS) 1-2 years at a maximum of $75,000/year Round 2: July 1 LOI. October 1 October 1
Immunology and Neuroscience Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group Allen Discovery Center for Neuroimmune Interactions program’s purpose is to establish an Allen Discovery Center that will answer large, paradigm-shifting, and fundamental biological questions at the intersection of immunology and neuroscience. Up to $10 million over 4 years (no indirects allowed). Please reach out to Joe Loftus in the Office of Foundation Relations for help with submitting your application Letter of Intent July 7. Full application December 15
Infectious Disease Burroughs Wellcome Fund The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) to support accomplished investigators at the assistant professor level to study pathogenesis, with a focus on the interplay between human and microbial biology, shedding light on how human and microbial systems are affected by their encounters. $500,000 over 5 years Pre-proposal July. Invited full proposal by November.
Juvenile Myositis Cure JM Foundation Research Grants for advancing research to improve medical treatment, patient care, and work toward a cure for Juvenile Myositis. $75,000 per year for up to 2 years. July 30 full application.
Kennedy’s Disease Kennedy’s Disease Association (KDA) Research Grants to fund one or more research grants to further the understanding of the pathological mechanisms of Kennedy’s Disease. Up to $100,000 for one year or $50,000 per year for two years. Late summer KDA will announce RFA. Fall review process for grant proposal.
Kennedy’s Disease Kennedy’s Disease Association (KDA) Waite-Griffin SBMA Fellowship is for a junior PhD or MD interested in a career in SBMA research and/or patient care. one-year stipend of $75,000 Late summer KDA will announce RFA. Fall review process for grant proposal.
Macular Degeneration Bright Focus Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship Program $200,000 over 2 years July 25, 2024 Letter of intent. December 5, 2024 full application by invitation only
Macular Degeneration Bright Focus Foundation New Investigator Grant Program $450,000 over 3 years July 25, 2024 Letter of intent. December 5, 2024 full application by invitation only
Macular Degeneration Bright Focus Foundation Innovative Research Grants $600,000 over 3 years July 25, 2024 Letter of intent. December 5, 2024 full application by invitation only
Musculoskeletal Injury Clinical Research American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) Kirkley Clinical Outcomes $20,000 July 31, 2024
Multiple Sclerosis National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) Research Grant for investigator-initiated proposals to support research focused on addressing research questions highlighted in the Pathways to MS Cures Roadmap. $200,000 direct costs per year for up to 3 years Pre-application deadline: July 24, 2024. Full application deadline: July 31, 2024
Ovarian Cancer Research American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) │Conquer Cancer Foundation Advanced Clinical Research Award (ACRA) in Ovarian Cancer Research is designed to fund mid-career physician scientists to conduct original and patient-oriented ovarian cancer research not currently funded and to establish a successful career path in this field. $450,000 over 3 years July 8, 2024 letter of intent. August 12, 2024 full application
Pediatric Medical Research Thrasher Research Fund E.W. “Al” Thrasher Award is to improve children’s health through medical research, with an emphasis on​ projects that have the potential to translate into clinically meaningful results within a few years. Up to three years research project. Indirect costs 7%. In 2012-2016 the median grant was $370,000. Grants are not given over $550,000. 2025 Spring Cycle: July 16 concept. October 22 full proposal.
Physical Therapy Foundation for Physical Therapy Research Acute Care Physical Therapy Research Grant. $40,000 over 1-2 years July 31, 2024
Physical Therapy Foundation for Physical Therapy Research Geriatric Research Grant is to be awarded to an Emerging Investigator for research that addresses an area of high impact and priority for improving the practice of physical therapy for the treatment of aging adults. $40,000 July 31, 2024
Rheumatology, Rheumatic Diseases Rheumatology Research Foundation Career Development Research Awards: Investigator Award encourage junior investigators in the period between completing post-doctoral fellowship training; while being competitive for more significant funding and establishing themselves as an independent investigators $375,000 over three (3) years. July 1, 2024 Letter of intent. August 1, 2024 application
Rheumatology, Rheumatic Diseases Rheumatology Research Foundation Career Development Research Awards: Scientist Development Award for Fellows, Early-Career Physicians and Health Professionals $225,000 over two-three years. July 1, 2024 Letter of intent. August 1, 2024 application
Rosacea National Rosacea Society Research Grant to research in such areas as the pathogenesis, progression, mechanism of action, cell biology and potential genetic factors of this conspicuous and often life-disruptive condition. $15,000 July 1, 2024
Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Foundation Launching Skin Cancer Breakthroughs research grants to early career investigators to support pilot research projects related to prevention, detection and treatment of skin cancer. One grant for $25,000 and two grants for $50,000 July 14, 2024
Sleep Medicine American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Physician Scientist Training Grant is a career development grant that aims to increase the number of physician scientists who are committed to pursuing a research career in basic, translational, clinical or population sleep and circadian science. $200,000 2-year project July 15, 2024
Sleep Medicine American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Bridge to Success for Mid-Career/Senior Investigators awards are targeted to mid-level and senior investigators in sleep and biological rhythms who need ‘bridge’ funding while re-applying for research support. $100,000 1-year project July 15, 2024
Sleep Medicine American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Bridge to Success Award for Early Career Investigators. $100,000 1-year project July 15, 2024
Sleep Medicine American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Focused Projects Grant for Junior Investigators. $40,000-$50,000 total for 1 year. July 15, 2024
Spinal Cord Injury or Disease (SCI/D). Paralyzed Veterans of America Research (PVA) Basic Science Research Grant for laboratory research in the basic sciences related to spinal cord injury or disease. $200,000 July 5
Spinal Cord Injury or Disease (SCI/D). Paralyzed Veterans of America Research (PVA) Clinical Applications and functional studies of the medical, psychosocial, and economic effects of spinal cord dysfunction, as well as interventions proposed to alleviate these effects. $150,000-$200,000 July 5
Spinal Cord Injury or Disease (SCI/D). Paralyzed Veterans of America Research (PVA) Design and Development of new or improved rehabilitative and assistive devices for individuals with spinal cord dysfunction $150,000-$200,000 July 5
Spinal Cord Injury or Disease (SCI/D) Paralyzed Veterans of America Research (PVA) Post-doctoral Fellowships for students in basic science, clinical applications, or design and development intended to encourage training and specialization in the field of spinal cord research $150,000-$200,000 July 5
Vision Research Research to Prevent Blindness Challenge Grants encourage the growth of newly emerging eye research programs or recently-appointed department heads. The Challenge Grant is designed to enhance a department’s environment and capability to conduct vision research, to facilitate collaborative studies of the visual system, and to attract researchers to the department. C $300,000 over four years July 1

Updated on May 29, 2024