Support WoVeN

The Women Veterans Network (WoVeN) is a national, peer support network led by women veterans, for women veterans. During this 8-week program, peer leaders who are trained by national experts in the WoVeN curriculum conduct weekly groups. Groups consist of approximately 6-8 women Veterans and each last about 90 minutes. Group content is specifically tailored to the unique needs of women Veterans, centering around relevant themes including life transitions, balance, stress relief, connections, healthy living and esteem. The group experience is complemented by the dissemination of evidence-based resources and information vetted by national experts in women Veteran health sciences and offered by our local and national partnering organizations and colleagues.

When you choose to donate to WoVeN, you are supporting our mission to provide a unique social network of women Veterans to foster connections and build relationships in local communities and across the nation. Funds will be used for expenses related to WoVeN initiatives including supporting the growth of local WoVeN communities, providing necessary supplies for WoVeN groups, and other related expenses.

On behalf of the WoVeN team, we thank you for your support!

To support WoVeN:

  1. Online: Support the WoVeN Program Fund
  2. By check: Make payable to Trustees of Boston University, and in the memo on your check (or an accompanying note) list “WoVeN” to ensure your donation is deposited to the correct fund.  You can mail the check to the address below:

Boston University Development
PO Box 22605
New York, NY 10087-2605

For any questions about donations, please contact