Kenneth B Simons, MD
Class year: 1980
Specialties: Ophthalmology; Ophthalmic Pathology
Current practice: As above but predominantly medical school administration (GME and accreditation)
Fond memory of BUSM: Having an amazing cohort of classmates who worked well together and genuinely cared for one another
Favorite professor or course at BUSM: Can’t limit it to 1, have 3; Dr. William “Bill” McNary who in addition to being an amazing anatomist was the most caring & concerned Dean for Students anyone could hope to have (wrote me a 3 page handwritten letter after my Dad died 7 years post-graduation); Dr. Joseph Vitale, Professor of Pathology who imparted wisdom I use to this day, “No one goes out of this world alive Ken. Pick your poison. Everything in moderation.”; and Dr. Barry Manuel who has been a mentor and consiglieri since graduation, always looking out for me. All three of these great/wonderful individuals represent what BUSM was and is about: creating caring, knowledgeable physicians with common sense dedicated to serving patients, colleagues and our alma mater.
Most recent accomplishment: Being elected to the NRMP Board of Directors, the LCME and Chair of the ACGME-I Surgical and Hospital based specialties Review Committee
Hobbies outside of work: Travel and Photography
Academic appointments: Professor of Ophthalmology & Pathology; Sr. Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education & Accreditation MCW; Executive Director and DIO, MCWAH, Inc.
Recent publication: Implementation of competency-based medical education: are we addressing the concerns and challenges? Richard E Hawkins, Catherine M Welcher, Eric S Holmboe, Lynne M Kirk, John J Norcini, Kenneth B Simons, Susan E Skochelak; Medical Education Volume 49, Issue 11 November 2015, Pages 1086–1102; DOI: 10.1111/medu.12831