Socio-Medical Sciences and Public Health
707.0 Health Care Entrepreneurship Program (non-clinical elective)
Instructor: Anand Devaiah, M.D.
Location: BCD Building, 5th Floor
Telephone: (617) 638-7933 E-Mail:
Number of Students: Two per block
Period to be Offered: offered year round (contact Dr. Devaiah directly regarding elective requirements)
Description of Elective:
The elective at the Health Care Entrepreneurship Program (HCEP) exposes the medical student to the health care system from the perspective of the Clinician Entrepreneur. It provides insight into the world of business focusing on the start-up phase of health care companies. It offers exposure to the process of building a company from the moment of idea inception; through the stage of business plan writing, to the point of financing and initiation of operations. While at HCEP the student will join the team and contribute in one of three ways:
- Critically evaluate new business opportunities presented to HCEP,
- Actively assist HCEP ventures by conducting clinical and market research necessary to advance the project, or
- Develop the student’s own ideas for a business opportunity
In addition to the tasks above, the elective will challenge and enhance the student’s analytic abilities, written and verbal communication skills, and his/her ability to function in a professional business environment. HCEP’s current areas of business interests include information technologies, health data and informatics, quality of care, clinical guidelines, cost containment, and delivery system efficiency.
Responsibilities will include:
1) Written report to senior staff members regarding analysis of business plans, research results, and/or a business proposal outline of their own specific health care business idea
2) Interviews with HCEP staff concerning their business experiences as needed
3) Weekly meetings with to discuss ideas, insights, and progress
Participation in this elective requires:
1) A letter of intent written by the student and submitted along with a current resume
2) An interview
The above requirements should be met at least 8 weeks prior to beginning the elective.