Luminescent and Gel Imager

FujiFilm LAS-4000 Luminescent Image Analyzer

LAS 4000 Luminescent Imager

The LAS-4000 Luminescent Image Analyzer by FujiFilm captures images of agarose and polyacrylamide gels, Western blots, TLC, and small animals. This instrument is capable of chemiluminescence, UV transillumination, and white epi-illumination imaging. Additionally, our imager is also equipped for epifluorescent UV and RGB applications, as well as white transillumination. High sensitivity and resolution of in vivo imaging is also possible with small animals such as a mouse.

DOM locations: 670 Albany Street, R232 and 778 Harrison Avenue, R-305

Internal Rate (Unassisted): $8.50 per 10 minutes
Internal Rate (Assisted): $18.50 per 10 minutes
External Rate (Unassisted): $15.13 per 10 minutes
External Rate (Assisted): $32.93 per 10 minutes

Instrument Manager: Matthew Au │

How to Schedule

Please login to iLab system to schedule equipment time or services. For new users please follow the steps outlined in Information for New Users.


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