Transcripts, Identification Card, Name Changes or Corrections, Address changes
GMS students must follow the University policy regarding transcripts. The GMS office does not handle transcript requests. An unofficial transcript is available through Student Link.
Terrier Cards are issued by the Terrier Card Office. Students are assigned an ID number by the University.
A student is entitled to a new card only when there are changes to the information on the card. A fee is charged for replacing a lost card. Replacement cards are issued at the Terrier Card Office.
Misspelled names on official University documents can be corrected by presenting a current driver’s license or other form of identification to the University Registrar.
Currently enrolled students who wish to change their names must present sufficient reason and identification to the University Registrar. Upon approval, the student will be asked to complete a Name Change Form.
For students who are no longer registered or who have graduated, legal documentation (e.g., a marriage license or court order) must be submitted to the University Registrar along with the request for the change.
Students must notify the University of any local or home address changes. To do this, eligible students may update this information on the Student Link or complete a Personal Data Change Form, available from the student’s school or college, the University Information Center, or the University Registrar. Changes in residence hall addresses are the responsibility of the Housing office. If the student withdraws from University housing but remains enrolled at the University, the student must update his or her local address.