
Orange Band-Lower Section


The Masters Program in Medical Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Practice is designed as a two-year, full-time program requiring a total of 60 semester hours, a summer fieldwork or field practicum requirement, and five day-long professional development workshops. A half-time option is also available.

Full-time students  complete eight courses in the first year, and eight in the second. The required fieldwork is undertaken during the summer after completion of the first year.

Half-time students take two courses a semester for four years, and can extend their fieldwork experience over the course of the summers in between.

All students are required to attend the weekly Research-in-Progress meeting in the Department of Family Medicine. During their first year, they present and get feedback on their thesis research question. Following approval of their thesis, they present their findings to the group.

Students must also participate in one professional-development workshop per semester, and in one during the summer, and are required to develop an ePortfolio of their work.

We encourage, but do not require, second-year students to submit abstracts to professional societies. To date, our students have presented both posters and papers at annual meetings of the Society for Medical Anthropology and the Society for Applied Anthropology.

Orange Band-Upper Section