Forensic and Bioanthropology Laboratory Group

Welcome to the Forensic and Bioanthropology Laboratory (FAB Lab) Group’s website! The FAB Lab Group is comprised of a BU Graduate Medical Sciences faculty member/biological and forensic anthropologist (Dr. Sean Tallman), graduate students, and advanced undergraduates who are broadly interested in forensic and biological anthropology research areas. As such, our research and scholarship includes but is not limited to: human variation; human skeletal biology and population history; biological profile method development and refinement; human identification; diversity, equity, and inclusion in biological/forensic anthropology; skeletal health and disease; and bioarchaeology. Please check back regularly for new information, updates, research results, and achievements!

**Accepting students for Fall 2025**



* Congratulations to FAB Lab-er Skylar McGinnis who won a William S. Pollitzer Student Travel Award to attend the American Association of Biological Anthropologists 2025 meeting in Baltimore, MD!!

* Dr. Tallman promoted to Associate Professor of Anatomy & Neurobiology in October 2024!

* Dr. Tallman received a 2023-2024 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award in public health to South Africa for his project, “Assessing the Effects of Disadvantage and Ancestry in Skeletal Health and Forensic Medicine”! You can read more about the project here.

Dr. Tallman’s work to recover a missing WWII U.S. service member from France featured in BU Today!

* Check out Dr. Tallman’s and Dr. Allysha Winburn’s interview about their recent publication (with Dr. Nicolette Parr) “Assumed differences; unquestioned typologies: The oversimplification of race and ancestry in forensic anthropology” on the podcast Speaking of Race here!

* Check out Dr. Tallman’s conversation with colleagues Drs. Allysha Winburn and Cate Bird and the Coalition for Equity in Anthropology (CAA) on mentoring in forensic anthropology here!

* FAB Lab research on intimate partner violence and homicide featured at BU!

* FAB Lab research on the oversimplification of race and ancestry in forensic anthropology featured at Phys.Org!

* FAB Lab research on distal humerus sex estimation recently featured at Futurity!

* Check out Dr. Tallman’s talk, “Diversity and Inclusion in Forensic Anthropology” for The STEM Village here!


Sean D. Tallman, Ph.D., RPA (he/him)

  • Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
  • Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Program in Archaeology, Boston University
  • Fulbright US Scholar (2023-2024) in pubic health, South Africa
  • Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), Anthropology Section
  • Member, Laboratory and Analysis Protocols Subcommittee, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center (AAFS HHRRC)
  • Associate Editor for American Anthropologist and Yearbook of Biological Anthropology 
  • Editorial Board Member for Forensic Anthropology and American Anthropologist
  • Professional Ally, Trans Doe Task Force
  • Member of 500 Queer Scientists
  • Member of the BU Out List
  • Faculty Member, Alpha Alpha Alpha (BU’s Newberry Center)


  • Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • M.A., State University of New York, Binghamton
  • B.A., University of Washington, Seattle
  • A.A., Shoreline Community College, Seattle

Research interests: human skeletal biology; sex and ancestry/population affiliation estimation (and related critiques); skeletal variability of sexual dimorphism and ancestry in East and Southeast Asia; human identification; population histories/structures and microevolutionary processes; forensic methods; computed tomography (CT) scan and radiography data; secular change; diversity, inclusion, and mentorship in forensic anthropology; biocultural and queer theory; critical race theory in biological and forensic anthropology; skeletal embodiment

Check out Dr. Tallman’s site here!

Check out Dr. Tallman’s ORCID site here!

Courses taught yearly: Advanced Human Osteology (FA806); History, Method, and Theory in Biological Anthropology (FA790); Forensic Anthropology Techniques (FA705); Bioarchaeology (FA704); Fractured Lives and Bodies: Forensic Anthropology, Disasters, and Human Rights (Kilachand Honors Course KHC MD101)

Courses taught occasionally: Human Skeleton (AN550); Special Topics in Biological Anthropology: Seminar in Forensic Anthropology (AN597)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

As a gay, first-generation college student, Dr. Tallman has prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion in his scholarship and service in biological and forensic anthropology. Many of his publications critically explore exclusionary processes in forensic anthropological praxis with the goals of radically transforming the culture and amplifying the perspectives of historically excluded groups in forensic anthropology (Adams et al. 2024; Adams et al. 2022; McCrane et al. 2022; McCrane and Tallman 2024; Meloro et al. n.d.; Tallman and Bird 2022; Tallman et al. 2022a; Tallman et al. 2022b; Winburn et al. 2022; Winburn et al. 2021). At BU, he currently serves as a member of BUSM’s Diversity Steering Group, the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee, and the Faculty Council’s Equity and Inclusion Committee. Nationally, Dr. Tallman served as the Co-Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee in the Anthropology Section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) and the Chair of the AAFS’s Diversity Outreach Committee. In these capacities, he and his colleagues fostered a community of inclusion by proposing and instituting numerous initiatives, including a first of its kind diversity statement, a travel award for marginalized graduate students, and a mentorship program. Dr. Tallman is an outspoken advocate for activism, inclusionary practices, and critical self-reflection in forensic anthropology.

Current Students and Research Projects

Victoria Conquest: “Testing Population-Inclusive Assigned-Sex-at-Birth Estimation Methods on a Documented Skeletal Sample”
Alysa Ehlers: “Gender-Diverse Reference Collections: An Exploration of Assigned Sex and Gender in the New Mexico Decedent Image Database”

Katrina Faulkner: “Impacts of Skeletal-Modifying Plastic Surgeries on Ancestry Estimation in FORDISC 3.1”


Mae Gibson: “A Critical Assessment of Population Affinity Estimation Using Dental Crown Dimensions from Computed Tomography Scans”


Bri Grimsley: “Population-Inclusive Assigned Sex Estimation from Computed Tomography Scans of the Os Coxa”

Alexandra Lear: “Sacral Preauricular Extensions and Notches as Indicators of Parity”

Theo Martin: “Centering Transgender Individuals in Forensic Identification and Reporting”


Skylar McGinnis: “Transition Analysis Skeletal Age Estimation Between Bureaucratic Racial Groups: An Analysis of the Weathering Hypothesis”


Tripoli Mulvihill: “The Value of Case Reports: A Content Analysis of Published Case Reports from the Journal of Forensic Sciences”


Elizabeth Poplavska: “Identifying Fractures of Individuals who use Opioids and Alcohol from the New Mexico Decedent Image Database”

Caroline Schilling: “Are Cribra Orbitalia and Porotic Hyperostosis Present in Juveniles as a Result of COVID-19?”
Haleigh Villalba: “Assessing the Reliability of Population-Inclusive Assigned-Sex-at-Birth Estimations from Cranial Computed Tomography”


Publications (FAB Lab members in bold; *shared first authorship)

n.d.  Meloro RM, Tallman SD, Streed Jr. CG, Stowell J, Delgado TA, Haug JD, Redgrave A, Winburn AP. A framework for incorporating diverse gender identities into forensic anthropology casework and theory: Recommendations for inclusive practices. Current Anthropology, in press.

2024  Alibrio MN, Tallman SD. The effect of cancer and cancer treatment on pubic symphysis age estimation using computed tomography scans. Diagnostics 14(14):1500 (Special issue: New Perspectives in Forensic Diagnosis)

2024  McCrane S, Tallman SD. The ethical responsibilities of forensic science organizations in an era of oppressive legislative action. Human Biology 94(2):111-121 (Special issue: Ethics in Bioanthropology)

2024  Saenz NM, Tallman SD. Fracture variation in survivable versus fatal blunt force trauma associated with intimate partner violence. Forensic Science International 357:112000

2024  Adams DM*, Bedard JR*, Blatt SH*, Fisal E*, Goliath JR*, Gregory-Alcock G*, Gruenthal-Rankin A*, Morales Lorenzo PH*, Smith AC*, Tallman SD*, Tegtmeyer-Hawke R*, Whitelaw H* (all authors contributed equally). Speaking truth to power: Towards a forensic anthropology of advocacy and activism. Humans 4(1):66-90 (Special issue: Contemporary Concerns and Considerations in Forensic Anthropology)

2024  Carreire C, Tallman SD. Assessing the utility of 3D modeling with photogrammetry in assigned sex estimation from the greater sciatic notch. Forensic Imaging 36:200576

2023  Joshi MA, Tallman SD. Three-dimensional neural network for age-at-death estimation of deceased individuals through cranial computed tomography scans. Forensic Imaging 34;200557

2023  Winburn AP, Tallman SD. Forensic anthropology. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, 3rd Edition 2:482-492

2022  Shamlou AA, Tallman SD. Frontal sinus morphological and dimensional variation as seen on computed tomography scans. Biology 11(8):1145 (Special issue: Forensic Anthropology: New Methodological and Theoretical Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification and Methods)

2022  Tallman SD, George RL, Baide JA, Bouderdaben FA, Craig AE, Garcia SS, Go MC, Goliath JR, Miller E, Pilloud MA. Barriers to entry and success in forensic anthropology. American Anthropologist 124(3):580-596 (Vital Topics Forum: Cultivating a socially conscious, activist, and inclusive forensic anthropology)

2022  Adams DM, Goldstein JZ, Isa M, Kim J, Moore MK, Pilloud MA, Tallman SD, Winburn AP (all authors contributed equally). A conversation on redefining ethical considerations in forensic anthropology. American Anthropologist 124(3):597-612 (Vital Topics Forum: Cultivating a socially conscious, activist, and inclusive forensic anthropology)

2022  McCrane SM, Hsiao CJ, Tallman SD. Implementing an antiracist framework in forensic anthropology: Our responsibility in professional organizations and as scientists. American Anthropologist 124(3):575-579 (Vital Topics Forum: Cultivating a socially conscious, activist, and inclusive forensic anthropology)

2022  Kelley SR, Tallman SD. Population-inclusive assigned-sex-at-birth estimation from skull computed tomography scans. Forensic Sciences 2(2):321-345 (Special issue: The Rise of Forensic Anthropology and Documented Human Osteological Collections)

2022  Zamora AC, Tallman SD. The role of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) in positive identification. Journal of Forensic Sciences 67(3):877-888

2022  Tallman SD*, Kincer CD*, Plemons ED. Centering transgender individuals in forensic anthropology and expanding binary sex estimation in casework and research. Forensic Anthropology 5(2):161-180 (Special issue: Diversity and Inclusion)

2022  Tallman SD, Bird CE. Diversity and inclusion in forensic anthropology: Where we stand and prospects for the future. Forensic Anthropology 5(2):84-101 (Special issue: Diversity and Inclusion)

2022  Winburn AP, Tallman SD, Scott AL, Bird CE. Changing the mentorship paradigm: Survey data and interpretations from forensic anthropology practitioners. Forensic Anthropology 5(2):115-132 (Special issue: Diversity and Inclusion)

2021  Tallman SD, Parr NM, Winburn AP. Assumed differences; unquestioned typologies: The oversimplification of race and ancestry in forensic anthropology. Forensic Anthropology 4(4):73-96 (Special issue: Race and Ancestry)

2021  Winburn AP, Clemmons C, Delgado T, Hartley S, Latham K, Pilloud MA, Tallman SD (all authors contributed equally). Strengthening the American Academy of Forensic Sciences vision, mission, and values statements: Critiques, revisions, and proposed actions. Forensic Science International: Synergy 3:100197

2021  Sanchez A, Tallman SD, Winburn AP, Stefanik J. The effects of orthopedic pathological conditions and systemic diseases on the prevalence of hip osteoarthritis in modern African- and European-Americans. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology 72(3):183-203 

2020  Tallman SD. Opinion: The forensic sciences have a diversity, inclusion problem. Forensic Magazine. November 6, 2020

2020  Kilroy G, Tallman SD, DiGangi EA. Secular change in morphological cranial and mandibular trait frequencies in European Americans born 1824-1987. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 173(3):589-605

2020  Atkinson ML, Tallman SD. Nonmetric cranial trait variation and ancestry estimation in Asian and Asian-derived groups. Journal of Forensic Sciences 65(3):692-706

2020  Tallman SD, Blanton AI. Distal humerus morphological variation and sex estimation in modern Thai individuals. Journal of Forensic Sciences 65(2):361-371

2019  Herrera MD, Tallman SD. Craniometric variation and ancestry estimation in two contemporary Caribbean populations. Forensic Science International 305:1-8

2019  Go MC, Tallman SD, Kim J. Advances in forensic anthropological research in East and Southeast Asia. Forensic Anthropology 2(4):197-203

2019  Patterson MM, Tallman SD. Cranial and postcranial metric sex estimation in modern Thai and archaeological Native American individuals. Forensic Anthropology 2(4):233-252 

2019  Tallman SD. Cranial nonmetric sexual dimorphism and sex estimation in East and Southeast Asian individuals. Forensic Anthropology 2(4):204-221

2019  Tallman SD. Book Review: New Perspectives in Forensic Human Skeletal Identification. Forensic Anthropology 2:57-60

2018  Trapp BM, Tallman SD. The effects of household corrosive acids on silver amalgam and porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations and non-restored teeth. Forensic Science International 293:77-85

2018  Tallman SD, Go MC. Application of the optimized summed scored attributes method to sex estimation in Asian crania. Journal of Forensic Sciences 63:809-814

2015  Tallman SD, Winburn AP. Forensic applicability of femur subtrochanteric shape to ancestry assessment in Thai and White American males. Journal of Forensic Sciences 60:1283-1289

Past Students and Research Projects

Maya Alibrio: “The Effect of Cancer on Pubic Symphysis Aging using Computed Tomography Scans” (Research Assistant, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, Boston, MA)

Megan Atkinson: “Nonmetric Cranial Trait Expression in Pre-Contact Southwest Native Americans and Modern Asian Individuals”  (Histology Assistant, SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, MO)

Mandi Beauvais: “Temporal Change in Nonmetric Traits of Pre-Contact and Contemporary Native Americans of the American Southwest”

Amelia Blanton: “Examining Distal Humerus Morphological Variation in Thai Individuals using Elliptical Fourier Analysis”  (Archaeologist, Aztec Engineering, Phoenix, AZ)

Sergio Calle: “Assessing Modern Hispanic Populations from Mexico and Colombia: A Comparative Analysis of Craniometric Differences” (Criminalist, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, NYC)

Gabriela Card: “Examination of Musculoskeletal Stress Markers from Remains Discovered in a 15th Century Necropolis in Mistihalj, Montenegro” (Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, SUNY Stony Brook, NY)

Chelsea Carriere: “Assessing the Utility of 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry in Sex Estimation from the Greater Sciatic Notch”

Tara Choat: “The Role of Posteroanterior (PA) Left Knee Radiographs in Positive Identification”

Ellen Dooley: “Age-at-Death Estimation from Features of the First Rib” (Death Investigator, Hamilton County Coroner’s Office, Cincinnati, OH)

Giulia Dunn: “An Analysis of Fordisc 3.1 Accuracy: Estimating Population Affinity for Asian Individuals in the United States using Computed Tomography Scans”

Anna Elizabeth Getler: “The Investigation of Craniofacial Variation between Archaic and Intermediate-Late Periods of Chile Using Morphometric Analysis” (Adjunct Professor, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ)

Madelyn Green: “The Estimation of Japanese and Native American Ancestry using Dental Morphometric Trait Comparisons”  (Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH)

Michelle Herrera: “Analyzing Ancestry: Craniometric Variation in Contemporary Caribbean Populations” (Caseworker, Key Program, Worcester, MA)

Elena Janowiak: “Sex and Ancestry Estimation using Computed Tomography: A Comparison of the Reliability of Digital Versus Physical Data Collection” (Medical Examiner Assistant, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Springfield, MA)

Kalan Jasny: “The Effects of Cancer Treatment-Induced Bone Loss on Morphological Sex Estimation” (Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Boston, MA)

Samantha Kelley: “Incorporating Metrics and Nonmetrics in the Development of a Population-Inclusive Sex Estimation Model using 3D Volume Rendered CT Scans of the Skull” (Laboratory Manager, Department of Anthropology, Boston University, Boston, MA)

Grace Kilroy: “The Effects of Secular Change on Cranial Nonmetric Traits in European American Adults” (Ph.D. student, Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN)

Caroline Kincer: “Centering Transgender Personhoods in Forensic Anthropology and Expanding Sex Estimation in Casework and Research” (Archaeologist, Aztec Engineering, Phoenix, AZ)

Jennifer Kroll: “The Progression of Vertebral Osteoporosis: The Correlations between Vertebral Pathologies and Sociodemographic Risk Factors” (Autopsy Technician, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Boston, MA)

Benjamin Martin: “Transgender Identification: Gender and Sex Estimation in Forensic Casework”

Sydney Martin: “Stable Isotope Analysis of Oxygen, Carbon, and Strontium in Modern Tooth Enamel” (Forensic Anthropologist, SNA International for the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency)

Savannah Mills: “Exploring Sexual Dimorphism of Cranial Nonmetric Traits in Modern European Americans” (Forensic Investigator, District 23 Medical Examiner’s Office, Saint Augustine, FL)

Claire Mincher: “Enthesophytes: Correlations of Bony Growth at Tendon and Ligament Insertion Sites in African and European American Individuals” (Autopsy Technician, Knox County Regional Forensic Center, Knoxville, TN)

Jandi Palmer: “The Weathering Hypothesis in the Dentition and its Effect on Positive Identification” (Dental Student, Lincoln Memorial University, Knoxville, TN)

Alex Paradis: “The Need for Standardization of Forensic Anthropological Case Reporting Practices in the United States”

Priya Patel: “Juvenile Bioarchaeology: The Study of Weaning Practices through Isotopic Analysis” (MA student, Oxford University)

Meredith Patterson: “Cranial and Postcranial Metric Sex Estimation between Modern Thai and Native American Individuals” (On-Site Specialist, Stryker Corporation, White Plains, NY)

Alyssa Reinman: “Ancestry Estimation in Subadult Skeletons” (Fingerprint Analyst, Tallahassee, FL)

William Russo: “Effects of Opioid Usage on Age Estimation in the Skeleton”

Nicole Saenz: “Fracture Variations in Survivable Versus Fatal Cranial Blunt Force Trauma Associated with Intimate Partner Violence” (Field Technician/Osteological Consultant, Applied Earthworks, Inc.)

Aubrie Sanchez: “The Effects of Orthopedic Pathologies on the Prevalence of Hip Osteoarthritis” (Senior Research Associate, Center for Injury Research and Policy, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH)

Stephanie Shaddock: “Osteoarthritis Age Estimation from Computed Tomography Scans”

Austin Shamlou: “Analysis of Frontal Sinus Shape and Volume Variation between Population Affinity Groups and Biological Sexes as seen on Computed Tomography Scans” (Research Technician II, Plastic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA)

Brittany Trapp: “The Effects of Household Corrosive Acids on Restored and Non-Restored Teeth” (Crime Analysis Supervisor, Research and Analysis Department, Tucson Police Department, Tucson, AZ)

Janelle Tyler: “Metastatic Skeletal Lesions From Prostate Cancer and their Role in Positive Identification”

Alyssa Zamora: “The Role of Antemortem Images of Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH) in Positive Identification” (Science Laboratory Technician, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA)

Conference Presentations

2023  Maya N. Alibrio, Sean D. Tallman “The Effect of Cancer on Pubic Symphysis Aging Techniques using Computed Tomography Scans.” Presented at the 92nd annual meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno NV

2023  Tara A. Choat, Sean D. Tallman “The Role of Posteroanterior Left Knee Radiographs and Osteoarthritis in Positive Identification.” Presented at the 92nd annual meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV

2023  Benjamin Martin, Sean D. Tallman “Transgender Identification: Gender and Sex Estimation in Forensic Casework.” Presented at the 92nd annual meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists, Reno, NV

2021   Sean D. Tallman, Jaymelee Kim (Roundtable Co-Organizers and Co-Chairs) “What is anthropology’s professional responsibility to anti-oppression action and inclusion within the field?” Contributors: Dagmawit Abebe, Susan Antón, Jonathan Bethard, Elizabeth DiGangi, Agustín Fuentes, Tisa Loewen, William White. 120th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Baltimore, MD

2021 AAA Roundtable panelists, Sean Tallman, Tisa Loewen, Jaymelee Kim, Elizabeth DiGangi, Jonathan Bethard, Susan Antón, Dagmawit Getahun, Agustín Fuentes, and William White.

2021  Sean D. Tallman “Disrupting the Status Quo: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Issues in Forensic Anthropology.” Presented at the 17th annual Chico Forensic Conference, Department of Anthropology, California State University, Chico

2021  Austin A. Shamlou, Sean D. Tallman, Osamu Sakai, Artem Kaliaev “An Analysis of Frontal Sinus Shape Variation Between Population Affinity Groups and Biological Sexes as Seen on Computed Tomography Scans.” Presented at the 90th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (virtual)

2021  Nicolette M. Parr, Allysha P. Winburn, Sean D. Tallman “Assumed Differences; Unquestioned Typologies: The Oversimplification of Race and Ancestry in Forensic Anthropology.” Presented at the 73rd annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (virtual)

2020  Rachel Chaney, Sean D. Tallman, Allen Harbaugh “An Examination of the Subpubic Region, Greater Scieatic Notch, and Obturator Foramen Variability in Thai Individuals using Elliptical Fourier Analysis.” Accepted, but not presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (canceled due to COVID-19)

2020  Savannah Mills, Sean D. Tallman “Exploring Sexual Dimorphism of Ancestral Cranial Nonmetric Traits in Modern European Americans.” (Mills and Tallman 2020). Presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (canceled due to COVID-19)

2020  Ellen Dooley, Sean D. Tallman “Age-at-Death Estimation from Features of the First Rib. (Dooley and Tallman 2020). Presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (canceled due to COVID-19)

2020  Madelyn Green, Mark Hubbe, Sean D. Tallman “Applicability of Tooth Measurements in Estimating Ancestry between Modern Japanese and Florida Seminole Samples.” Accepted but not presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (canceled due to COVID-19)

2020  Gabriella Card, Sean D. Tallman “An Examination of the Variation in Enthesial Changes in Human Skeletal Remains Discovered in a 15th Century Necropolis in Mistihalj, Montenegro.” Accepted but not presented at the 89th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (canceled due to COVID-19)

2019  Savannah Mills, Sean D. Tallman “Exploring Sexual Dimorphism of Ancestral Cranial Nonmetric Traits in Modern European Americans (Preliminary Results).” Presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

Savannah Mills presenting at the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

2019  Ellen Dooley, Sean D. Tallman “Age-at-Death Estimation from Features of the First Rib (Preliminary Results).” Presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

Ellen Dooley presenting at the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

2019  Amelia I. Blanton, Sean D. Tallman “Sexual Dimorphism of the Distal Humerus Using Elliptical Fourier Analysis in Modern Thai Individuals (Preliminary Results).” Presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

Amelia Blanton presenting at the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

2019  Gabriella Card, Sean D. Tallman “An Examination of Musculoskeletal Stress Markers from Remains Discovered in a 15th Century Necropolis in Mistihalj, Montenegro.” Presented at the 22nd annual Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Symposium, Boston, MA

Gabriella Card and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 22nd annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Boston University, Boston, MA

2019  Grace S. Kilroy, Sean D. Tallman “Secular Change in Macropmorphoscopic Trait Frequencies in Modern European Americans.” (Kilroy and Tallman (2019) Presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

Grace Kilroy and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

2019  Aubrie M. Sanchez, Sean D. Tallman “The Effects of Orthopedic Pathologies on the Prevalence of Hip Arthritis.” (Sanchez and Tallman (2019) Presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

Aubrie Sanchez and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

2019  Madelyn Green, Sean D. Tallman “Interpreting Intra-Population Variability from Dental Morphology and Tooth Dimensions of a Modern Seminole Native American Sample.” (Green and Tallman (2019) Presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

Madelyn Green and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

2019  Megan L. Atkinson, Sean D. Tallman “Nonmetric Cranial Trait Expression in Pre-Contact Southwest Native Americans and Modern Asians.” (Atkinson and Tallman (2019) Presented at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

Megan Atkinson and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 88th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH

2019  Sean D. Tallman, Cate E. Bird “Diversity and Inclusion in Forensic Anthropology: Where We Stand and Prospects for the Future.” Presented at the invited symposium “Diversity and Inclusion in Forensic Anthropology,” 71st annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Baltimore, MD

Dr. Sean Tallman presenting at the 71st annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences along with “Diversity and Inclusion in Forensic Anthropology” symposium contributors, Baltimore, MD 

2018  Grace Kilroy, Sean D. Tallman “Exploring Secular Change in Nonmetric Trait Frequencies Associated with Ancestry Estimation in European American Individuals.” Presented at the 8th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialogue, Camden, NJ

2018  Aubrie Sanchez, Sean D. Tallman “Preliminary Results on the Effects of Orthopedic Pathologies on the Prevalence of Hip Osteoarthritis.” Presented at the 8th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialogue, Camden, NJ 

Michelle Herrera, Aubrie Sanchez, and Grace Kilroy at the 8th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden, NJ

2018  Michelle Herrera “Analyzing Ancestry: Craniometric Variation in Contemporary Caribbean Populations.” Presented at the 8th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialogue, Camden, NJ

Michelle Herrera presenting at the 8th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog, Camden NJ

2018  Sergio C. Calle, Sean D. Tallman, Kate M. Spradley “A Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Contemporary Populations from Mexico and Colombia.” (Calle et al. 2018) Presented at the 70th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA

two students presenting a research posterSergio Calle and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 70th annual meeting of the Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA

2018  Kalan L. Jasny, Sean D. Tallman “The Effects of Cancer Treatment Induced Bone Loss on Morphological Sex Assessment.” (Jasny and Tallman 2018) 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

two students presenting a research posterKalan Jasny and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

2018  Jennifer A. Kroll, Sean D. Tallman “The Progression of Vertebral Osteoporosis: Correlations between Vertebral Pathological Conditions and Sociodemographic Risk Factors.” (Kroll and Tallman 2018) 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

two students presenting a research posterJennifer Kroll and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

2018  Claire E. Mincher, Sean D. Tallman “Enthesophytes: Correlation of Bony Growth at Tendon Insertion Sites with Socio-Demographic Factors in European and African American Individuals.” (Mincher and Tallman 2018) 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

two students presenting a research posterClaire Mincher and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX 

2018  Meredith M. Patterson, Sean D. Tallman “Cranial and Postcranial Metric Sex Determination between Modern Thai and Native American Populations.” (Patterson and Tallman 2018) 7th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

two students presenting a research posterMeredith Patterson and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 87th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, TX

2018  Sean D. Tallman “The Utility of Clavicular and Humeral Nonmetric Sex Assessment Methods in Japanese and Thai Individuals.” Presented at the 70th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA

powerpoint slide saying "Population-Specific Methods"Dr. Sean Tallman presenting at the 70th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA

2018  Brittany Trapp, Sean D. Tallman “The Effects of Household Corrosive Acids on Restored and Non-Restored Teeth.” (Trapp and Tallman 2018) Presented at the 70th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA

two students presenting research on a posterBrittany Trapp and Dr. Sean Tallman at the 70th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA

2017  Jennifer Kroll, Sean D. Tallman “The Progression of Vertebral Osteoporosis: The Correlations between Vertebral Pathologies and Sociodemographic Risk Factors.” Presented at the 7th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog Conference, Hamden, CT

2017  Meredith Patterson, Sean D. Tallman “Metric Sex Determination between Modern Thai and Native American Populations.” Presented at the 7th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog Conference, Hamden, CT

2017  Sean D. Tallman, Mathew Go, Chairs and Organizers of the invited symposium, “Broadening Forensic Anthropology: Bringing East and Southeast Asia to the Forefront,” 86th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, LA

2017  Sean D. Tallman “Cranial and Pelvic Nonmetric Sexual Dimorphism in Modern Japanese and Thai Individuals.” (Tallman 2017) Presented at the invited symposium, “Broadening Forensic Anthropology: Bringing East and Southeast Asian into the Forefront,” 86th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, LA

man giving a presentation to a group of studentsDr. Sean Tallman speaking at the 86th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, LA

2017  Sean D. Tallman “Cranial Nonmetric Variability and Ancestry Assessment in Japanese and Thai Individuals.” Presented at the 69th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, LA

2017  Brittany Trapp, Sean D. Tallman “The Effects of Household Corrosive Acids on Restored and Non-Restored Teeth.” Presented at the 7th annual meeting of the Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog Conference, Hamden, CT

2017  Allysha Powanda Winburn, Audrey L. Scott, Cate E. Bird, Sean D. Tallman “Changing the Mentorship Paradigm: Survey Data and Interpretations from Forensic Anthropology Practitioners.” (Winburn et al. 2017) Presented at the 69th annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, LA

2015  Sean D. Tallman “Femur Subtrochanteric Shape and Ancestry Assessment in Modern Japanese and Thai Individuals.” (Tallman 2015) Presented at the invited symposium, “Kampsville: Celebrating Six Decades of Anthropological Research,” 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, MO

Relevant Links, Information, and Organizations

Blinded by the White: Forensic Anthropology and Ancestry Estimation webinar (February 2021)

Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA)

American Academy of Forensic Sciences  (AAFS)

American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA)

AAPA’s Statement on Race

AABA’s Committee on Diversity

Society for American Archaeology (SAA)

Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA)

Forensic Anthropology Science Collective In Asia (FASCIA)

Bioarchaeologists’ Northeast Regional Dialog (BRND)

Paleopathology Association (PPA)

American Anthropological Association (AAA)