Jori Berger-Greenstein, PhD

Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Graduate Medical Sciences
I received my undergraduate degree in Psychology from Bradley University in Peoria, IL, and my master’s, and doctoral degrees from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.
I have been a faculty member in the MHCBM Program since its inception in 2000 starting as an adjunct instructor and then as a full-time faculty member in 2004. I served as the Curriculum Director from 2004-2023, overseeing courses, working with instructors, and ensuring fidelity to CACREP content. I have taught many courses in our program, including Group Dynamics, Counseling Theories, and Practicum/Internship Supervision. I currently teach Advanced Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making, and Behavioral Medicine and Applied Health Psychology.
My graduate training included a specialization in Behavioral Medicine, which continues to be a primary area of interest. I was a guest on The Thoughtful Counselor Podcast (“Counseling and Behavioral Counseling: Taking a Holistic Approach”:, discussing the role of Mental Health Counselors in Behavioral Medicine. I also have expertise in Ethics, as pertains to clinical mental health counseling and medicine, and completed a Fellowship in Bioethics at Harvard Medical School in 2021. I have developed a model for teaching ethical decision-making – “Developmental Model of Ethics Training” used as a basis for teaching our Advanced Ethics Course, which I have presented at ACA, ACES, and the Law and Ethics in Counseling Conferences.
I am also active at Boston Medical Center, our affiliated hospital. I am a member of the Ethics Committee and Ethics Consult Team at Boston Medical Center (BMC), and am credentialed by the Healthcare Ethics Consultation Commission. In addition. I am the Behavioral Science Faculty Director in the Resident Training Program at the Department of Family Medicine at BMC, and have a long history of providing mental health care in the Department of Behavioral Health.
Questions & Answers
Q: Please describe your theoretical orientation and teaching philosophy.
A: I espouse a cognitive-behavioral approach. I believe strongly that the ways in which we interpret information and events inform our emotions and ways of navigating the world. I believe that these interpretations are influenced by experiences over the course of one’s lifetime, but are amenable to intervention. I also believe strongly in the importance of humanistic philosophy, which I infuse into my work, focusing on the importance of empathy, genuineness, and humanness.
My philosophy of teaching emphasizes the importance of setting high expectations for students, as well as myself. I believe that the best courses are those characterized by a team effort. I am also a strong proponent of experiential learning and focusing my teaching on developing and strengthening skills related to the work students are and will be doing.
Q: Why did you choose to be a faculty member in the Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine Program?
A: As many mental health folks would say, it always gets back to helping people. What I find particularly compelling about mental health is that there are many ways of applying what we know to help others in need, whether that is providing mental health care, conducting research to inform what we do, teaching a new generation of students, or educating the public.
Q: What do you enjoy most about teaching in the Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine Program?
A: I think we have a terrific program! I like that I have a job with a lot of variety and get to do a bit of everything. On any given day I am meeting with students, responding to a clinical issue with a patient, teaching a class, meeting with fellow faculty members, or developing activities for class. I enjoy working with my colleagues, and as Curriculum Director, work very closely with our external course educators, who are a very important part of our program. Developing new and innovative ways of teaching energizes me. Mentoring students as they learn and take on responsibilities throughout their time with us is very compelling, and maintaining ties with our alumni, and hearing about the wonderful work they do, is extremely meaningful for me.
- ACA – American Counselors Association 2010 – present
- AMHCA – American Mental Health Counselors Association 2010 – present
Teaching Experience
- I have been with the MHCBM Program since its inception, beginning as an adjunct instructor, and then as a core faculty member in 2004. Throughout my tenure in the program, I have taught a wide variety of courses. Current coursework includes Behavioral Medicine and Applied Health Psychology, Ethics and Professional Issues, Counseling Techniques, and Internship Supervision. I was honored to be awarded the “Educator of the Year” Award for the BU School of Medicine in the spring of 2009.
Select Publications and Presentations
- Berger-Greenstein, J.A. (2018). The role of clinical mental health counselors in assessing and treating medical symptoms and diagnoses. Counseling Today.
- Mainville, C, Richardson, M.A., Brady, S. M., Berger-Greenstein, J.A., & Bascic, J. (2017). HIV risk, substance use & personality characteristics among adults with history of mental illness. Accepted for publication in the Fall 2017 special edition of Behavioral Medicine
- Berger-Greenstein, J.A., Brady, S., Mainville, C., Richardson, M. Bacic, J., & Reid, K. (2016, July). PTSD symptoms & HIV risk reduction in a marginally-housed, mentally ill population: Final Analyses. Poster presented at the International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa.
- Berger-Greenstein, J.A., (2015, March). The role of clinical mental health counselors in assessing and treating medical symptoms and diagnosis. Workshop presented at the American Counseling Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Berger-Greenstein, J. (November 1, 2014). Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine. Invited talk for the Massachusetts American Mental Health Association, Foxboro, MA.
- Quarles, J., Bacic, J., Mainville, C., Reid, K., Berger-Greenstein, J., Richardson, M., & Brady, S. (October, 2014). The effects of incarceration on HIV risk behaviors in a homeless/marginally-housed population with serious mental illness. Poster presented at the New England Psychological Association Conference, Lewiston, ME.
- Singh, T., Bacic, J., Reid, K., Mainville, C., Richardson, M., Berger-Greenstein, J., & Brady, S. (2014, October). The effect of level of functioning on housing and HIV status. Poster presented at the New England Psychological Association Conference, Lewiston, ME.
- Berger-Greenstein J, Jain K, Bacic J, Reid K, Bhatia N, Mainville C, Richardson M, & Brady S. (July, 2014). PTSD symptoms, HIV risk behaviors, and sex trade in a homeless and marginally housed mentally ill population. Poster presented at the 20thInternational AIDS Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
- Brady S, DeSena T, Bacic J, Wolfe J, Jain K, Richardson M, Mainville C, & Berger-Greenstein J. (July, 2014). PTSD symptom load, sexual minority status, HIV-risk behavior & sex trade in homeless & marginally housed mentally ill (2014). Poster presented at the 20thInternational AIDS Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
- Berger-Greenstein, J., Desena, T., & Brady, S.M. (2013, July). Assessment and Techniques Addressing Medical Programs for Clinical Mental Health Counselors. Workshop presented at the annual American Mental Health Counselors Association, Washington, DC.
- Berger-Greenstein, J., Mainville, C., Desena, T., Wolfe, J., Reid, K. & Brady, S. (2013, March). HCV, HIV, and Service Utilization as predictors of HIV Risk Behavior. Poster presented at the 34th annual Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Burnham, K., Berger-Greenstein, J.A., & Brady, S. (2011, April). The Association of PTSD with Sexual Risk Behaviors among Individuals with Serious Mental Illness who are HIV-Positive or at Risk for HIV. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
- Berger-Greenstein, J.A., Burnham, K., Rollason-Reese, C., & Brady, S.M. (2010, November). Gender-Based Approaches to HIV Prevention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal, Canada.
- Berger-Greenstein, J.A., Maskulka, M.L., & Brady, S.M. (2009, March). The Association of PTSD Criterion A Events and HIV Risk Reduction for Adult Men and Women with Serious Mental Illness with or at Risk for HIV. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Toronto, Canada.
- Brady, S.M., Berger-Greenstein, J.A., & Rollason-Reese, C. (2007, December). HIV Prevention with the Mentally Ill – Motivation-Skills. Oral presentation at the 2007 National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
More Information
72 East Concord Street
Robinson Building – Suite B-212
Boston, MA 02118