Student Event Request Form Your Name:* First Last What student group are you affiliated with?* Email:* What is the Event Title?* What is the date of this event?* Give a brief event description:*Start time: : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time: : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Do you need a room scheduled?*YesNoIs the event on or off campus.On MED campusOff MED campusWill alcohol be served?*YesNoIf alcohol will be served, has your group read the alcohol policy?YesNoWhere is/do you want the event to be held?* What is the estimated attendance for the event?* What is the estimated budget for the event?* Is there a related website? Do you need to order food? Yes No Who should be contacted for refreshment planning? Email contact for person planning food Please include a description of your food needs.Please include your headcount and a description of the food you would like to order.Upload any flyers associated with the event:Max. file size: 100 MB.UntitledFirst ChoiceSecond ChoiceThird Choice