GPGG Summer 2013 Scavenger Hunt
The Graduate Students in Genetics and Genomics participated in a photo scavenger hunt where they were asked to perform a series of tasks from twenty clues, taking them all over Boston’s South End neighborhood. Clue: At this school you can arabesque, brise and cabriole, down Boylston and right on to Clarendon stroll. (right) […]
Russek Day 2013
The Graduate Program in Genetics and Genomics would like to recognize our students who participated in the 19th Annual Henry I Russek Student Achievement Day on May 10, 2013. Russek Student Achievement Day, First Prize, Sarah Kleinsorge (Navarro Lab) The mitochondrial protein cytochrome c heme lyase is necessary for cell polarity Poster Presentations: Carly […]
Elyse Kozlowski presents platform talk at Keystone Conference
GPGG graduate student Elyse Kozlowski (third year, Jones Lab) recently attended the Noncoding RNAs in Cancer and Development (Keystone Conference) in Vancouver, British Columbia. Pictured below is Elyse being introduced by Nobel Laureate Phil Sharp prior to presenting presenting a talk titled “Widespread uridylation of mature microRNAs by Zcchc11 governs murine growth and survival.” Picture taken […]
Rebecca Kusko featured in BU Today story
GPGG graduate student, Rebecca Kusko’s (fourth year) research focuses on lung cancer in a nonsmoker population. She and her advisor, Dr. Avrum Spira were recently featured in a story in Health and Wellness in BU Today.
2012 GSI Research Symposium
Students in the Graduate Program for Genetics and Genomics attended the 2012 Genome Science Research Symposium held on the Boston Medical School Campus in October. Two students won awards for Oral Presentations: Hila Milo Rasouly (W. Lu Lab) – Loss of Robo2 improves survival of ILK mutant mice Kristen Ott (Navarro Lab) – Characterizing spindle-E, […]