2019 GSI Research Symposium
11th Annual Research Symposium – November 14, 2019
Couldn’t make it to the symposium? No problem! Watch the oral presentations here!
Click here to find out the winners of this year’s annual research symposium!
Check out photos from the event here!
The Annual GSI Research Symposium is an interdisciplinary event emphasizing research in Genetics and Genomics. Participation in the poster session and attendance at the GSI Symposium is open to all Boston area researchers with interests that emphasize these disciplines. Abstracts will be selected for oral presentation distinction and additional prizes will be awarded for the best posters in multiple categories. Participation in the oral presentations and poster prizes are open to all undergraduate students, graduate students in MA, MSc, DSc, PhD, MD, MPH and MD/PhD programs, and postdoctoral fellows.
There are no formal requirements for the abstract in terms of word count, formatting, etc. We ask that you keep it to one page in length.
Poster Session
There will be a poster session for students, both undergraduate and graduate, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty. Participants may be from any institution and not just Boston University.
To present a poster, please fill out the online Submission Form.
- Students and postdoctoral fellows who present posters will be eligible for cash prizes. These awards will be decided by a poster review committee on the day of the symposium.
- The preferred poster size is 4ft x 4ft. If you would like to request additional space for your poster, please email gsi@bu.edu at least two weeks prior to the symposium.
Oral Presentations
A select number of student and postdoctoral fellow abstract submissions will be chosen for featured oral presentations at the symposium. If you would like the chance to be a presenter, please indicate so on the Submission Form by selecting the appropriate response from the dropdown menu.
- In addition to recognition from the GSI, oral presentations will also be eligible for monetary prizes.
- Presentations will be 15 minutes in length. Four presenters will be chosen in total.
- The Symposium Coordinator will contact presenters to discuss their A/V needs when selected.
Genetic and Genomic Technology Fair
This year we are pleased to include various technology partners for the symposium. There will be a number of table presentations by industry partners who will be available throughout the afternoon to answer questions related to genetic and genomic research. The list of vendors will be provided as we get closer to the symposium.