Alumni Spotlight: Spring 2019
Payal Parikh, MD
Class of 2013
Chief Resident Class of 2014
Current Position
Vice Chair of Quality and Safety for the Department of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Core Faculty for the Internal Medicine Residency Program
Path to that Position
My path to Vice Chair, started with the QI curriculum at Boston Medical Center. During our ambulatory blocks we engaged in the basic principles of quality improvement via projects. In addition, I also took a patient safety elective at the VA Boston. Both of these solidified my interest for continuous improvement in healthcare. During my chief resident year (2013-2014), I engaged more in the quality improvement projects as well as gained the foundation on how to perform a root cause analysis and case dissection with a plan for improvement through the two Morbidity and Mortality Conferences I presented. I then became a hospitalist at Massachusetts General Hospital and took the certification course, CPIP (Clinical Process Improvement Program), which went into more depth on the nuances of process improvement as a science. I worked on a project improving the use of tools for pulmonary embolism identification via this year long course. I then moved back to NJ (where I am from) and joined the faculty at Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. Here I saw the need for a QI curriculum to meet the ACGME requirements and developed the longitudinal curriculum for all of the residents. The curriculum includes both the didactic and experiential components of learning the basic QI and patient safety principles and the residents engage in longitudinal projects linked to population health management. For the last two years, I assumed leadership as Vice Chair of Quality and Safety for the DOM and have improved patient safety initiatives including a more formalized process on dissecting cases, performing RCAs, and identifying systems issues for improvement.
Proudest Professional Accomplishment
I would have to say my role as Vice Chair for the DOM. This was a new position in 2017 and I am the first to hold the seat at Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Department of Medicine. In addition, to date, I have trained about 70 residents in the basics of QI and Patient safety (in the three years I have led the curriculum) as well as one-hundred 4th year medical students in these topics as they gear up for training. Finally, I have built up the morbidity and mortality improvement program at RWJ DOM.
Current Projects in Medicine![](/im-residency/files/2019/05/Payal-Parikh-Pic-with-quote-Osler-588x1024.jpg)
On my own, I am improving screening for DXA and Echo in our ambulatory practices and created an EMR order-set as a means of virtual communication for multidisciplinary discharge planning on the inpatient side. In conjunction with the resident projects, I am working on improving HTN screening, DM preventative services, depression screening, all on the ambulatory side, and improving the medication reconciliation process, timely and accurate discharge summary completion, and reducing unnecessary telemetry ordering on the inpatient side.
Current Projects outside of Medicine
I am a crafter, I enjoy scrapbooking and oil painting. I am building a tree house with my husband and kids, aged 6 and 3.
Fond Memory from Residency/Chief Residency
My fondest memories come mainly from my chief year. The support from my co-chiefs, the support from the leadership including Dr. Coleman and Dr. Yadavalli, is something that I will never forget. I have been to a number of other programs but not one compares to the amount of comradery and support I felt at Boston Medical Center. During Chief year, the sessions that were built in for our career advancement are those I still look back on. Can’t forget about Special Ops and Black Ops with Dr. Yadavalli. Finally, the unforgettable experience of Guiacs during intern year and Morale week are also what I often think back on!
Advice for Current Seniors
Boston Medical Center truly trains you for a future of providing excellent care as well as navigating the healthcare system. The program and its leaders really train you for a future in medical leadership, whether it is as a clinician education, clinician scholar, in process improvement, or simply in clinical care. My biggest advice is to really take what you have learned and experienced and not be afraid to go after what you are passionate about. Even if you feel the imposter syndrome (which I have and continue to still feel), you really are ready having trained in a place like Boston Medical Center!