Institutional Review Board
The Boston Medical Center and Boston University Medical Campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) provides ethical review of human subjects research to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects of research and to assure that human research is conducted according to applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations and the relevant policies of the Human Research Protection Program, Boston Medical Center, and Boston University.
Investigators must submit planned human subjects research for IRB review using INSPIR II and no human subjects research activities may be carried out until the IRB has provided approval or an exemption determination. Principal Investigators have the ultimate responsibility for the conduct of the study and protection of human subjects.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We encourage you to call/email to schedule a Zoom, phone, or in-person appointment with an IRB Analyst if you have in-depth questions about how to align your study with IRB regulations and institutional policy. You can also find discussion and guidance about a broad range of current and common IRB issues in the CR TIMES newsletter and in the CR TIMES ARCHIVES on the same page.
The IRB publishes IRB Review Times & User Satisfaction information about the performance of the IRB.
Additional information about IRB requirements may be found by contacting us or at the following links: