KACE Downloads

KACE is BUMC’s inventory and asset management tool. It allows BUMC IT to push software installs on BU owned computers.

As of 8/10/2020, the following software items are available to install or upgrade to:

  • Windows 10
  • Microsoft Office 2019 64bit
  • Microsoft Office 2016 64bit
  • Microsoft Office 2016 32bit
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Zoom

Please follow the instructions below to access KACE.

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to kace-bumc.bu.edu
  2. Enter your BU Username (do not include @bu.edu) and Kerberos Password, and set “BUMC” as the organization.
  3. Click “Login” or press enter.
  4. On the left hand side of the screen, select “Downloads”.
  5. Once on the Downloads page, you will see a list of installations.
  6. ↓↓ Continue to instructions for your desired installation below ↓↓