2024 McCahan Day Program


THEME: Building Collaborative Education Research

Evolution of a Student-Driven Collaborative Research Project to Address Equity in STEM Participation

Binyomin Abrams, PhD

Binyomin Abrams

Teaching-as-Research is a powerful approach for the deliberate and systematic approach to improving the student experience using the scholarship of teaching and learning. This lecture will highlight a case study involving how the observation of pain points in the teaching of organic chemistry evolved into a series of student-driven research projects that ended with achieving equitable outcomes for students from historically marginalized groups leaving organic chemistry. Along the way, we will discuss research methods surrounding teaching and developing student-centered research programs.

About the speaker: Binyomin Abrams is a Research Associate Professor in the Chemistry Department at Boston University. Hired originally in 2008 as a Lecturer in Chemistry, Dr. Abrams immediately began using his teaching role as an opportunity to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning, doing research on pedagogy, investigating new educational approaches, developing tools and techniques to improve student learning, and advancing equity-focused approaches to STEM instruction. Dr. Abrams now also holds a secondary appointment in the BU Wheelock College of Education and Human Development, serves as the Director of General Chemistry, and is the Director of the College of Arts and Sciences Program in Science Education.

The mission of the McCahan Medical Campus Education Conference is to foster a vibrant educational community that supports, develops, and disseminates the best teaching practices and research within a dynamic, collaborative, inclusive learning environment.
In recognition of his excellence as an educator, the Department of Medical Sciences & Education and Boston University Medical Campus is proud to host the 19th Annual McCahan Medical Campus Education Day.