Interim Chair of Medicine
Vice Chairs
Rania Burke, MPH, DrPH
Vice Chair, Finance and Administration

Vice Chair, Clinical Affairs
Jay Orlander, MD
Vice Chair, Veteran Affairs
Gopal Yadavalli, MD
Vice Chair, Education
Lisa Caruso, MD, MPH
Vice Chair, Quality & Patient Safety
Associate Chairs
Ansu Noronha, MD
Associate Vice Chair, Vitality & Engagement
Section Chiefs
Lindsay Farrer, PhD
Section Chief, Biomedical Genetics
Frederick Ruberg, MD
Section Chief, Cardiology
Avrum Spira, MD
Section Chief, Computational Biomedicine
Alan Farwell, MD
Section Chief, Endocrinology
Christopher So-Chi Huang, MD
Interim Section Chief, Gastroenterology
Michael Fischer, MD, MS
Section Chief, General Internal Medicine
Sushrut Waikar, MD
Section Chief, Nephrology
Donald Loyd-Jones, MD
Section Chief, Preventive Medicine
David Center, MD
Section Chief, Pulmonary
Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Section Chief, Rheumatology