Laboratory for Cardiovascular-Renal Research

Research Information

Our laboratory focuses on the central neural control of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. We have identified a novel brain G-alpha-i2 subunit protein-gaged pathway that is essential to mediate endogenous GPCR-activated pathways that regulate central sympathetic outflow, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, and systemic blood pressure regulation.

There are several ongoing projects within the laboratory:

  1. The role of PVN specific G-alpha subunit protein gated pathways in mediating the neural control of kidney function via the renal sympathetic nerves
  2. The role of PVN specific G-alpha subunit protein gated pathways in sodium activated neuronal activity and systemic arterial blood pressure regulation in salt-resistant vs. salt-sensitve phenotypes
  3. The role of enhanced sympathetic outflow and sodium intake on the expression and activity of renal sodium transporters in salt-resistant vs. salt-sensitve phenotypes


Principal Investigator

Graduate Students

Jonique George

Lab Alumni

Casey Y. Carmichael, Ph.D.
Current Position: Business Associate, ZS Associated, Los Angeles, CA
Kathryn R. Walsh, Ph.D. 
Current Position: Scientist – Preclinical Pharmacology in Intellia Therapeutics, Inc.